walking and rectocele


I have read and learnt through watching the Wholewoman DVD that walking in posture is good for prolapse. Over recent months I have taken some walks varying from a mile to perhaps 4 miles, and I am always very conscious that the more I walk, the more gravity is causing the rectocele bulge to drop further and further - as verified by a look in the mirror when I get home! I recently went for a walk and every 100 yards or so I felt I had to bend down on the pretext of sorting out my sandal and shift around on all fours and prod a bit until I could get the prolapse back inside to a comfortable position. (Don't worry folks, this walk was in an isolated spot so no onlookers!) in the end I carried on walking but the bulge was a real discomfort.

My question is - how does walking improve a rectocele if the bulge is manifestly dropping more as the walk proceeds?

I have just received sea sponges which I will try as a pessary - but am first waiting for a reply to a query from the suppliers PinkRobin.

Incidentally, both cycling and swimming have not caused any exacerbation of prolapse discomfort at all, and in fact, after cycling, I don't notice a bulge at all for a longer period than usual once I'm back upright and into normal housework mode.

Any comments welcome, thanks.

Hi Marigold
As you know, I've had a similar concern about walking with my cystocele, in fact I haven't done much walking at all recently, I've been avoiding it. Well today I was unexpectedly forced to walk quite a distance to get to my Mum's house (complicated, but there was a fire nearby and the roads were closed). I didn't feel comfortable, but I just had to get on with it and hope for the best - and then later walk all round the supermarket too. Cystocele didn't make any positive moves, but didn't do anything terible either and I think the exercise produced the unexpected benefit of bowel movement (I can't believe we exchange bowel information.!) so that was very good news. Anyway, I think we should probably carry on walking, even if it is with gritted teeth, it has to be good for us. I hope someone else with rectocele also replies to you to give her opinion.
I haven't been on my bicycle at all this year, but I'm going to give it a go,as you found it helpful. My bike is the old 'sit up and beg' type so I think it will be easy to sit in posture. When you swim, what leg kick do you use? I can only really do breast stroke and I wondered if the action of the froggy leg kick would be OK.
Thanks for your support, big hug

Since I am new at this and trying to be patient with this whole process of managing my prolapse I am also walking and just "bearing it" so to speak. I walk between 2-3 miles as a daily exercise and must constantly be aware of my posture, but I can still feel my prolapsed uterus for the most part while I walk. I don't think I've gotten the whole woman posture quite mastered yet. If anyone else has suggestions, please post. thanks.

I will put this here for Marigold as she has a rectocele and are you from Britain Tintagel.I am trying to find my way as i am new to writing here.The more I walk the better i go to the toilet and the bulge gets better.I used to swim and the froggy kick should be okay for now unless you have lessonsTintagel.i am riding my bike too as exercise will help.