lawyer ad for pop mesh mistakes


have been lurking all along..
not many posts...

wanted to share that dh saw
a lawyer ad on tv today related
to mesh placement for pop surgery
gone amuck!

maybe it isn't new to most here
but it is the lst i heard about that...

we always see the same type ads
for asbestos etc but this was new to

as for me.....still plugging along w/loretta..
trying my best to stay in posture....

lots of other bits of life keep creeping up...
but i try to keep bobbing and weaving...

love to all.....susan/fannierose

Actually, I read that the FDA might take mesh off the market because there have been so many complications. The other problem, of course, is that there doesnt seem to be any good long-term outcome studies! Just imagine that you have your pelvic organs already in good WW connection with each other, and the body responds to the imagination with good effects!

I bet there isn't a disclaimer on the packet either, saying, "No women were harmed during the development of this product"!

It is so hard to believe that there is no positive outcome research. No, it is quite believable. That's what happens when money is at stake.