Prayers needed


Hi all you prey-ers out there in Wholewomanland.

Would you please all get down on your knees (or whatever is your custom) and prayers for Alemama, who is having a battle with an infection. It is not a good place to be for a Mum with a little baby.

"As I went down to the river to pray
Studyin about that good ol' way and who shall wear the starry crown?
Good Lord show me the way!

O sisters let's go down
Lets go down, Come on down
O sisters lets go down
Down in the river to pray ..."

Thanks Alison Krauss for singing this wonderful Traditional song.

Thanks All for gettin' down.


I've been so worried! Gettin' down...

God bless you, our dear Alemama!!


We are praying as well! You are in my thoughts, Alemama!

1 We're sorry for any ways we are displeasing to you. Please forgive us.
2 You are an awesome God!
3 We thank You now, for being able to heal Alemama even right now at this very moment. Please be there for her in every way and let her feel in her heart she can take a deep, deep breath & exhale, relaxing, knowing you are healing her now. Thank You! (and please heal everyone on this site!)

Father we humbly come to you, to ask you for the healing of
this daughter of you, Oh Lord, have mercy on her, see that she has a
little baby to take care of. I rebuke in Jesus Mighty Name all forms of infection in her body, and heal her Oh Lord from the top of her head to the bottom of her soles.
And Father heal all the ladies on this forum, from all forms of prolapse, Father you know that we do what we can, and You do the part that we can not do. I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Glory be to you Father !
We thank you for all that you will do fo us.

I'm praying too, for Alemama especially and for all the women here.
May God bless us all

alemama always gives the women here so much strength. may God grant her complete well being!

ps why is this under menopause and prolapse?

prayers going out for you alemama! am thinking of you every day, sending healing vibes and positive energy your way.

Positive warm thoughts from me for you Alemama, and I hope that you overcome this terrible infection soon, very soon.

get well girl...we're pulling for you.

Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that you will heal this infection in our loving sister Alemama.Please restore her health so she can be fit and well to take care of her precious little one. Bless her, she has been such a big help to us here. We pray that you will bring about the healing that she so desperately needs, and we ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Please be with us all as we learn to overcome our pop struggles and lead us to better days.

Hmmm, stuffed if I know why I posted it there - a fuggy-minded moment, perhaps. :-)

It has now been moved.

You are in my thoughts Alemama, and I am sending positive thoughts your way. To the higher being out there somewhere, please help Alemama - her little baby needs her. And help us all with our challenges.

Across this great Planet, throughout the air that we all breath and share, I join in sisterhood with all the other women to send my love and caring for Alemana. I pray that good health and strength will replace any illness or weakness.


I'm joining the powerful group of women on their knees at the river on behalf of Alemama! Alemama, I will pray for your healing and peace, and I hope you feel lots of arms around you right now. --keh

I feel humbled and exalted at the same time adding my name to those who are praying for Alemama.

Truly this forum is binding people together on a level way above the purely physical.

God bless Alemama and her family, and God bless you all


Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.


Beautiful, BadMirror!

oh man. you all bring tears to my eyes.
pleas accept my humbled thanks.
Love to one and all.

I hope you are doing better by now Alemama. You are certainly in my prayers. I haven't been around for a while as I have been dealing with some very serious health issues of my own this year, but you, and all the wonderful women from Whole Woman, have been in my thoughts often.
My best wishes for your return to good health.

I hope you are on the healing side of whatever issue you are struggling with. You are in my prayers too! C.

you are often in my thoughts are the grandbabies?
I will include you in my prayers and send healing vibes your way.
as always, good to 'see' you : )

Thank you Christine! I can use your prayers. This has been a tough year for our family. Our daughter miscarried early in January with her second child, at 11 weeks pregnant, the baby just died. At the end of January I developed a low grade fever of unknown origin (FUO) and it lasted for 3 1/2 weeks. The doctors could not find a cause for the fever and I spent almost 24/7 hours in bed for that 3 1/2 weeks. At the end I had swollen ankles and was very short of breath. I had a CT scan and it revealed that I had a pulmonary embolism. Very scary. They told me at the hospital that I was lucky to be alive! They discovered two more blood clots in my legs when I was in the hospital. I have been on Coumadin ever since. I recently had a Ct scan of my lungs and they are clear now, thank God. Next week they will do a sonogram of my legs and if they are clear I can come off the Coumadin, which is a horrible medicine. Rat poison really.
Our daughter became pregnant again around March but ended up with a virus called CMV (cytomegalovirus)...anyone familiar with that?? She was very sick and lost that baby as well.
I try to keep a positive attitude and a smile on my face, but sometimes it is hard. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers and for your love and support!

Soo very nice (and comforting) to hear from you! The grandbabies are doing great. In June we took the whole family on the Allure Of The Seas to celebrate our eldest grandson's 13th birthday. (A sneak Bar Mitvah since they weren't having We had originally sceduled it for his Spring Break but I got deathly ill and we had to postpone it until June. It was the greatest trip ever, with our son and daughter's families. Even Brody, our daughter's baby who is now 2, had a blast. Michael (the 13 year old whose birthday it was) was nowhere to be found for most of the trip. He made friends and was gone..having the time of his life. I am especially grateful these days for this, and every moment in my life!

Don't you just have to sit and wonder why? or even *why me?* with a little whine thrown in for good measure.
I am so thankful that you are alive and recovering. What in the world? That fever sounds just terrifying! I wonder if it was a herpes type virus? Seems like you might also have been dealing with something like CMV too and had the clotting as a weird side effect.
I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter's babies. Miscarriages can be so isolating. Good thing you can lean on each other. My understanding of CMV is that a primary infection during pregnancy can cause miscarriage or birth defects- but that once you have had primary exposure you can go on to carry to full term with no added risk.
Life is so fragile and all these viruses remind me of that, it really does seem a miracle some days that we manage to make it from sunup to sundown.
I wish for you all be well now and for many years to come and for you to be holding a new grandbaby in a year or two if that is the desire of your daughter's heart.
hugs to you Mae. Be well.

oh ((((mae))))! I am so sorry to hear of your dd's losses, I remember how you kept us updated during her glorious first pg, labor and delivery. I think of Brody often, as my little one is not much younger.
your health scare sounds, well, scary! lets all join together to hope and pray for complete recovery and healing, for both you and alemama and anyone else who is in need. generous dollop of emotional healing for your sweet dd, who is blessed to have a mom like you to lean on.
your trip sounds awesome, so fabulous to get the families together.
re cmv, back in my PT days in a childrens hospital, I worked with babies who had contracted cmv in utero. suffice it to say, it was not pretty.

btw....are you in Irene's path? what about you alemama? we got a 'friends/family evacuation recommendation' call from our councilman this evening.

Thank goodness we seem to have escaped Irene's path in South Florida and I think Alemama will have as well. Last thing we need now is a hurricane!! My dd is livid about the lack of knowledge and info given out to mothers and moms-to-be about CMV. The lack of knowledge and info to women of childbearing age is amazing as it is devastating in so many ways! CMV can cause so many birth defects..why don't we know more about this??

P.S. Leave because of Irene if they say to. Not worth taking a chance. Prayers and love are with you! xoxo

Firstly so nice to see you here Alemama, I hope your health is improving, you have been in my thoughts.
Re;Cyto megalo virus, our daughter was diagnosed with this about 11 years ago as well as having Glandular fever. Our doctor called this a double dose and said that Cmv was large cell disease, that was the best way he could describe it.It left her very creaky in the joints and she tired very easily that year, tired after 20 minutes, and spent most of that college year at home, just going to college for a few hours now and then.She also had lots of headaches, at the back of her head toward the base /neck.It took about 2-3 years for her to be well.She still creaks at the joints,but is now pregnant with her first baby.I was very unwell about 12-13 weeks into my first pregnancy and lost that baby at 19.5 weeks and did wonder about it. Then went onto to have 3 other miscarriages and in between had 3 live births.Now grown up :-) But it is awful to go through and now my daughter is pregnant and can get some understanding of how she must felt when I went through those was all about me then :-(. I hope all goes well for both you and your daughter in the future.

Dear Mae

So sorry to hear about your daughter's losses and your illness. You have been so much a part of our Wholewoman family. So glad you have come through it. Life is precious.
