the new rules of posture


The New rules of Posture written by Mary Bond published 2007 - anyone read it?
I have borrowed it from the library. No mention of prolapse in the index and some scary pictures of a pelvis looking like a great big bowl.

Haven't been able to read it all yet as there is quite a bit of info in it. Apart from the glaring omission and questionable pelvic diagram, she does present some really interesting concepts, ideas and information which have helped me see posture in a different and more holistic way.

I can visualise my body in a more profoundly connected manner- from head to toe. Mary has reminded me of how our posture creates our :"body signature". There is so much that can be seen and felt by how a person holds themselves.
And our posture is a complex creation of so many factors be they physical, emotional, mental and even cultural.

Mary gives some really good exercises for tuning in to one's posture. I have only tried a few so far but have found them enlightening.

I have this book and found nothing "new " in it. Rather, it is one more (albeit nicely illustrated) recommendation for the "neutral pelvis" and another re-hashing of the PT construct of transverse abdominal/pelvic floor "corset".

Posture indeed has emotional implications, which is the reason why so many women report improved mood and emotional state when returning to their natural posture.