

Just a quick question... What is the best posture to maintain when coughing an sneezing? I caught a bad cold this week (boo) and don't want to reverse any progress I've made keeping everything in place. Please help oh wise ones :)

I usually bend my knees just a tiny bit and flex a bit at the hip. just to be sure the bladder stays forward.
I hope you feel better soon!

I like to rest when I'm sick- and I've found that if I'm lying on my side in bed I don't feel so much pressure when I cough and sneeze.
but don't worry too much, even if all the force of coughing and sneezing makes it worse, it will get better again.
hope you feel better soon. Colds are no fun.

I suggest that you cough and sneeze in Firebreathing posture, with knees bent and hands on knees, good lumbar curve in place.

Steam inhalations twice a day, and middle of the night too, if necessary, inhaling through nose and mouth.

Full dose paracetemol at night to give you a good night's sleep. Always breathe through your nose, if possible. Breathing through your mouth allows germs straight down your throat. At least your nose will filter them out if you inhale through it. How to deal with the hayfever? Sorry, I cannot suggest anything other than judicious use of antihistamines and anti-inflammatoary diet.

You will get over the setbacks when the hayfever season is over.

I have also found that coating the interior of my nostrils with lip balm is a bit of a barrier to irritants, and keeps the nose lining moist, which helps cut down irritation from pollen, dust, etc. Anything oily/waxy that doesn't have an objectionable perfume, seems to work. Vitamin E rich sesame oil, sold as Nozoil, is a product made for the task. It comes in a little atomiser bottle so it goes way up in your nasal passages.
