Vaginal wall prolapse.


I have this prolapse and it's been not to bad recently, but since my period stopped I feel constipated almost like there's a blockage, I'm going to the loo just feel like im never properly finished. A couple of weeks ago my BM were fine, I think this happens most months. I feel so bloated and my back hurts!!! Could this type of prolapse effect bowel movements? Also I feel full of trapped wind that never comes out.

Carrie x

Whenever you have sudden, concerning symptoms where you question their relation to prolapse, I would caution you to consider seeking medical advice. My first thought based on your description is bowel obstruction, but neither I nor anyone else here is qualified to diagnose or provide medical advice. I hope you are able to find relief from this discomfort soon.

Hi I had a colonoscopy in July and it was fine. So I'm guessing it's not an obstruction?

Carrie x

Hi Carrie - When I first discovered my rectocele my symptoms began like yours - with incomplete evacuation. Like you I had a colonoscopy which came out fine - but the symptoms persisted. Would it be possible to try splinting - where you place your thumb inside the vagina and gently press against the back wall/rectal wall to assist the direction - you may find things are getting caught up a little .. my back also hurt - in particular the tailbone on sitting .. yours may not be the same but it may be worth trying if you haven't already.

the best thing you can do is get a journal and track where you are in your cycle, what you are eating and your bms. This way you can discover a pattern. It may be a hormonal thing.
There is a yoga pose called the wind relieving pose. Try that and see if it helps. Just be sure to start with the right leg :)

Ok thanks girls! I'll give it a go.

Carrie x