Rectocele and wanting to having a baby


Im a new user and wasn't sure which category this should fit in. Im 30 years old and have not had any kids yet - although planning to in the very near future. I have had 'bowel' issues since I was a very young child - I was told as a young adult that it was probably IBS and to just 'stress less'. Over the last couple of years as symptoms have gotten worse (bloating, constipation, sore lower back, pain with sex etc) I have tried to investigate the reasons a bit more - one dr. said probably endometreosis, which I had laparoscopy for (Dec 2009) and they removed very minor endo scarring - no change to symptoms. In Sep 2011 had a colonoscopy and they removed small polyps but found nothing else. After having a defecography procedure (gross) I was told I had a rectrocele and that I should speak to a surgeon and it should fix all my issues. Surgeon straight away said no to surgery and told me to go home and 'eat more fibre' .. I have no tissue/items 'hanging out' of me - so it must be a mild case .. but im now terrified of making it worse? I still have all my symptoms - will the WW posture work for me - and where can I find details about it on this site? Also, will I be able to have kids without doing too much damage to my insides? Any helpful information will be appreciated.

Of course it will work. You are the perfect candidate, being young, and not having had repair surgery. Here's hoping there wasn't too much damage done to your connective tissue while they were fossicking around inside you . Your gyn surgeon was wise to advise against surgery, probably because you have not had your babies yet.

Check out the FAQ's via the tab at the top of the page.

Use the search box to search the forums.

Check out wholewomaninc channel on Youtube for excerpts of Christine Kent's DVD's.

Once you have done all that you will be in a position to know which products from the Store will be most benefit to you. First Aid for Prolapse is a good starter. The other DVD's are mainly different exercise routines. The book, Saving the Whole Woman will give you more of the theory to help you to understand how the Wholewoman model of pelvic anatomy is different from the normal medical model, how prolapse happens, and how your whole body is involved in managing it without surgery.

Hope to hear from you again soon.


Hi bubblegirl82,
I think Louise's adivce has pretty much got it covered. I just wanted to agree with her whole heartedly that WW will work for you. In fact if you've had chronic problems, if you follow the WW holistic way, you'll probably find after a while that you'll feel better than have done in ages - perhaps years.
I'm so pleased you've accessed this site. There's so much on offer here. Take your time and try out the WW approach. Please do get back if you have any further queries.
Wishing you all the very best.