Back in touch with my body?


As I said before I am just beginning to feel more connected with my body; it is an interesting journey. I used to be very detached and let the doctors to decide what was best for me, always trusting them (!)...
But there was one aspect I was always tuned into, this was my menstrual cycle. I have always checked my temperature and knew about different changes in different phases of the cycle.
I feel lost now. I still check temperature but it does not guide me so well any more. I am unsure what is happening and when. I would like to be back with my "cycle intuition"...
I still see some changes, but my body seems to be doing things in a kind of random manner...
I think, since starting red clover (I take it in a capsule; have not found red clover tea in the UK yet...), I have been back to "normal"...
I wonder how others get better understanding and feeling what is happening in their bodies in a time of menopause.
Ivonush (bit lost in my own body)

Hi Ivonush - I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve by so much temperature-taking. Unless you are trying to get pregnant, or avoid it, it's unclear to me what purpose that even serves. Relax and stop trying so hard to understand things, and just go with the flow day-to-day. You can only deal with your symptoms, which you are diligently doing.

When I was checking my temperature, I knew exactly when I would have my menstruation. I still have some cycles when- I think- I ovulate, so checking my body temperature helps me to "feel more in control" (?). Some symptoms relate to the cycle, such as more pain or/and a kind of sagging feeling. So when I know where I am at with my hormones I think I manage my symptoms better...
Although, I still see no pattern...
Maybe, I try very hard to get this pattern so I can predict things?

When I learned natural family planning temperature taking was promoted as a useful way of knowing where you are in your cycle from the point of view of being perimenopausal and ovulation being unpredictable, and hence date that next period is expected. However, it can only works if you are still ovulating, can't it?

Ivonush, do you ever ovulate, according to your temperature readings?


I can see why you are doing it, but I agree

Louise, there are cycles I still ovulate...
Yes, I am trying to predict my next period as much as I can. Helps me to feel more in control and understand better some symptoms and mood swings...
This cycle is strange one, as my temperature dropped for quite few days...

That's perimenopause for ya! I wouldn't try and read anything into it. It is like having your body invaded by aliens who are at war with each other. Don't worry. They eventually blast off into space and take your menstrual cycle with them. (Shrugs ... as if their females need spare menstual cycles!)

Don't worry, it is hot here. I am going quietly troppo.


Thank you Louise...waiting for aliens then to blast into space...!!!

We have here typically English weather, cold, dump and gloomy...