UTI management strategy?


Hi ladies,

I have recently written on my struggles with constant urinary tract infections since the birth of my son 3 .3 years ago, my prolapsed bladder and rectum. I just returned from Cleveland Clinic in Ohio where I went from Canada, out od desperation, as I am SICK of strong antibiotics and no results, my whole body getting worst not better. i did not have a lot of hope, as the urologists in Canada basically shoved antibiotics down my through and told me to drink lots of water and wipe front to back...

To my surprise, the dr did not propose surgery, and he cringed when he heard how and what antibiotics I am taking. He told me that the antibiotics I was given for so long, destroyed my vaginal and intestinal flora, which in turn it created more and more space and strenght for the bacteria. I knew this, but no dr in Canada had a better solution. The Cleveland Clinic female urologist said that the cipro antibiotic I was taking was the strongest [possible, and the worst for creating resistance to antibiotics. So he took a vaginal swap to look for bacteria that grow when all good bacterias are killed by antibiotics, and said that I need to be on doxicilin for 2 weeks (an antibiotic) and then take a sulpha small dose profilactic only after sex. In case I get UITs - and he said I will, since my system is so destroyed - to take the same sulpha antibiotic for 3 days, only stronger dose. He also said that the infections clear on their own once the system is balanced. And he said that the infections will clear sooner and occur further and further apart. But what surprised me was that he said , the thing that will help me the most, will be taking good care to eat pre-biotics (eg dry fruits) and swallow pro-biotics (I have been doing, that's why I suffer no yeast infections). Also, he said, to be doing the pre and pro biotics intensely for at least 1 year, to restore my balance. Christine said the same thing when it came to the whole system being restored, so this is what the dr said as well.

All he said was not new to me, but what helped was him telling me to go at it 1 year at least, to not panic when my body gets more utis and think the protocol does not work, etc. He also said to get a good microbiologist in Toronto to help with the figuring out of the direction of the bugs, but when I told him that the microbiologist in Toronto put me on cipro possibly for life, he asked me to come back and see him in 3 months....

So I think I will do just that: keep exercising the WW exercises and be in the correct posture, eat and take in pro and pre biotics, deal with the utis one at the time and not panic and give up in 3 months, and not go back to the nasty antibiotic cipro. My only fear - utis cleared on their own in 10 days in the past for women 100 years ago as he said, but the bugs then were not exposed to antibiotics and get resistent and stronger - I just have to get through this last bit of 14 days of nasty doxycylin. I pray this will help. I really am tired and at the end of my wits!

Hi Anomis

I am sorry to hear what you have been through, but you seem to be being very sensible about this. Doctors sometimes give conflicting advice. What it boils down to is that the first method didn't work, so you are now trying something new. It is very level-headed of you to agree to follow this treatment through. It would be nice to think that a UTI would clear itself in 10 days, but I wouldn't be trying it myself. I was in bed for a month with nephritis as a child. Maybe it would work, but I think you are wise to follow this new doctor's advice.

Hang in there, day by day, and UTI by UTI.

Of course, remember to empty your bladder fully every day. On all fours in the shower works well, or in a half squat, and do some more half squats, standing up in between, to make sure you get the last bits out.


Hi Anomis, I had much the same problem as yours, infection after infection, antibiotic after antibiotic, year after year. The pain was excruciating. I would sit in the tub and cry. Finally I was told there was no more help for me. Scary to hear, but it turned out to be such a gift.

My healing solutions: first I found freeze dried Aloe Vera from a company called Desert Harvest. It is truly amazing and helped immensely. It may not help everyone but it helped me immediately and I was so prone to infection that I was told it was very dangerous for me to continue getting them. I've been taking Aloe Vera for about 6 years now. It helps prevent infection, not so much cure one so it is best started when you are clear of infection or just after a course of antibiotics.

Then, after a truly long ordeal unrelated to uti's, I found out about kefir and started making it at home. I learned about probiotics, and kefir is, to me, one of the ultimate. I've been making kefir and consuming it daily for a year now, and have not had a hint of uti trouble. I did not start drinking kefir for uti trouble but found it to be an amazing benefit. Kefir is made by culturing milk using kefir grains (there is also water kefir, but I've not tried that). The grains grow as you continue to make your kefir and soon you have grains to eat and/or share. You can find all of the information you need about kefir on the internet. It is truly health enhancing in so many ways. I believe it is God's medicine. I could probably stop taking Aloe Vera now and just continue to drink kefir each day to avoid uti's. But Aloe has other benefits so I will continue to take it.

I wish you luck. There are answers. I've found my body doesn't tolerate conventional medicine, and the further I travel into natural medicine the healthier I become.

This is my first post on a forum in years but your issue is so specific to my own experience, I wanted to share what I've found. All of this may already have been mentioned here, but, if not, I hope it helps.


Dear Kit,

Thank you a million for the tips. Yes, my UTIs are basically driving me to desperation, creating marital issues (sometimes I cry for fear that my husband will leave me due to our lack of sex life because of the infections and countless health imbalances due to the countless antibiotics . And yes, I believe the answer is in restoring the balance in this antibiotic ravaged body of mine! I LOVE kefir, I am Easter European and I grew up on it. I buy a local one Organic Meadows with 10 strains of probiotic in it, naturally occurring, but I will definitely look into making it myself, my grandmother made it herself all the time. The ALoe Vera i believe is miraculous too, as a plant, it probably soothed the poor urinary tract, after such war, so I will try to find the one you described. I am scared, as last infection resulted in my 3rd or 4th kidney infection, this time the worst of them all and i had urine refluxing in the kidneys and a lot of pain for 3 months! But I trust God and the good people He puts in my path to help me, bless you for your advice and help, many thanks, Simona


Keep your pubic hair longer to protect your vulva from contact with knickers.
Go without knickers for the same reason.
Don't use soap inside your vulva.
Drink lots of water.
Cranberry capsules
Low sugar, nil refined carbs.
Low animal fats.
Omega 3's
Range reared and wild game meats only (lower omega 6:omega 3 ratio)
Other anti-inflammatory foods, eg herbal teas, red clover tea, freshly ground flax, chia and other anti-inflammatory foods, tumeric, garlic, ginger, pineapple etc.

Search the forums for other strategies and foods.


Thank you so much Louise! I am doing already most of it, chaotically a bit, but I will be consistent now. I did not know about the pubic hair, it makes sense that like all the other hair on our body, this one is also meant to filter and protect from invasion of unwanted bacteria! Thanks for your help! Simona

Hey Kit. Where would I look for freeze dried aloe- I have the gel, but it's not so yummy and I don't use it enough. Do you know if the gel and the dried are similar as to health benefits?

Simona, I had an ear infection last summer that still has inflammation in the ear and sinus almost a year later. I'm patient but man it seems to be taking a while to get all the way better. Sometimes healing is like that, especially when it's one step forward one step back- with every little sniffle we get it sort of flares a bit. I'm guessing your situation is similar- the area is already aggravated and then when it's trying to get better- whoops, another aggravation. It really does take a while to get better, especially when the antibiotics mess up your system.
I've been eating a ton of sour kraut recently and I feel like it's pretty good for me. Today my 3 year old son couldn't get enough of it.
I know bone broth is another food that really seems supportive to healing.
This is the year for you! You are going to focus on you and getting you well.
I'm almost ready to do the same :)

Alemama, my son had 1 year of ear infections, one after the other, last year. He was not getting well with the antibiotics and I bought 3 books on how to heal ear infections naturally from Amazon and they all talked about one thing: gently massaging the lymph knots to drain them. So I started to do a draining massage on him with a naturopathic cream from Germany, Lymphodiaral, basically gently massaging in front of the ears, in downward motion and behind the ear, going down his neck. I also stopped giving him wheat and eggs (elimination diet) and he's been infection free since last year July when I started all these treatment. The massage drained the ear fluid that was not draining, thus infecting him non stop. Perhaps you have the same?

I agree, the sour kraut is amazing, my son (3 years old as well), loves it, especially with bean stew.
Alemamama, I got the aloe pills Kit is talking about from the company she mentioned, I just Googled in the name and it came up. They have a deal for first time customers and it gives you a free bottle. I am waiting for it now, since it takes longer to reach Canada! I hope the massage will help you! Hugs!

Hi ladies,

i have discovered through research that one of the most frequent yet hard to diagnose causes of utis that go on for years, is mycoplasma and ureaplasma infections in the uro-genital tract, caused by an infected/ dirty foreskin somewhere down the line..... apparently, every time a woman is told she has IC its this and every time she gets well, she gets it all over again from her partner who also mut be treated. It does not show up on regular paps, a special way to swab the vagina is needed as well as a special lab to detect ir, etc Treatment is simple, once confirmed! This is what the dr at the Cleveland Clinic told me about, but did not sink in until I read about it all, the whole story, in Angela Kilmartin's book about trwating UTIs and "sexual Cystitis", and Interstital Cystitis. That's why the Cleveland Clinic dr put me on doxycilin 2x day, 14 days, its the preferred course of action, but he failed to point to husband as a source of infection and give him the treatment as well. Also, Angela Kilmartin talks about the right dosage, short term, like 4 pills of doxy per day for 5-10 days, that's all! Anyway, I thought I may add this inn, along with the mention from her book to wash the bum after bowel movement immediately, with soap, and rince with 1 liter of water, while on the toilet, in a way that the water from the bum flows down and never touches the vulva area.

Alemama, I forgot to mention the Aloe Vera Personal Gel in my reply to Simona, but the one I get is different from the freeze dried. I have used the gel for the same amount of time as I've taken the freeze dried capsules, and order them both from Desert Harvest. The personal gel is different from their regular aloe vera gel so take note. Freeze dried capsules are for internal use and the gel is for vaginal use, but the gel does not have a bad taste. I use the it after every shower or bath, and sometimes through the day. I've heard that aloe heals through seven layers of tissue.

Simona, I understand fully the affect on your personal life. When my husband came to understand the extent of my pain, that helped us cope. My uti's, though severe and many, never reached my kidneys and I know that is a very serious matter and my heart goes out to you. You will find your way, just keep searching. A huge thing for me was recovering from antibiotics. Kefir was a big part of that. I was so lucky to have found it as almost no one knows about it where I live in the US, but I've been able to share extra grains with many now. I also learned that having a fruit smoothie each day provides a prebiotic benefit and boosts the effectiveness of kefir. My smoothies are almost all berry. Sometimes I just add kefir to the smoothie, sometimes I drink them separate. This seems to be in line with the prebiotic/probiotic information you received from your doctor.

When I get a uti, for some reason water tastes bad to me. But I've found that fresh lemon in water goes down easily. Little things like that help me. Remembering those things when in pain is the hard thing. I've also found moxibustion acupuncture to be helpful. The heat feels truly wonderful to the bladder and I believe it speeds healing. I also use a gentle cleanser called Cetaphil on the vaginal area, though I get a generic.

I don't know if this has been mentioned but urinating right after sex, and rinsing off helps too. It's not so romantic but neither is a nasty infection.

I've just learned about a product called D Mannose and I think I'll order some of that to try. I know I must be ever vigilant against uti's so I continue to try to learn about more natural things that help.

Since the Aloe Vera is freeze dried, be sure to drink plenty of water to gain all the benefit. I wish you luck in your search for kefir grains. I don't know anything about this site but they list kefir grains in Canada. http://www.rejoiceinlife.com/kefir/kefirlistCanada.php Lots of people are trying to share kefir grains, I hope you can find some soon.

I truly wish you healing, and I hope you find what works for you very soon. One has to experience this problem to truly know how painful and debilitating it can me. I know what you're going through, and the tension it causes the whole body just makes it worse. As you continue to learn you will be better equipped to guard against this thing once you are able to break this vicious cycle you're in.

I really appreciate learning about the natural method for ear infection. And you both have me wanting homemade sauerkraut.

Your new post is very encouraging. IC is a traumatic disease and leaves people desperate.

If I think of anything else, I'll check back in. kit

Kit, I am making kefir since yesterday. I got some grains for free from someone who had extra. I also have the aloe vera pills since yesterday. My doxycilin treatment did not work, I have pain and tomorrow morning I will be taking the first urin in the morning for culture and sensitivity... D-Mannose I took for about 3 months, I cannot say I saw any difference, maybe there was, but I did not see any for who knows what reasons...Cetaphill is the only soap we use in the house, for washing the vulva area I use a simple glycerin soap, no scent, etc... I really need that break of cycle... :)


I really sympathized with your post, I have also had IC symptoms for months. Did you ever find a cure for the symptoms?

Hi Anomis,
I want to say I sympathize with you and admire your conviction to help yourself. I just returned from a two night hospital visit where they pumped me full of antibiotics in fear of me getting sepsis...which I did not get as luckily the backeteria did not get in my blood. I just want to be nice to my body n ow and let it heal. However, I've always gotten bladder infections on and off, so it doesn't look too promising. I am trying D-Mannose and wanted to ask you a few queswtions: How much did you take each day and also: did you infact get a UTI while taking them?
Thanks for any help me can provide each other on this forum.

Hi D, yes, I have taken D-Mannose, simple powder, powder with other herbals that act as natural antibiotics, etc. All in all, nothing helped me, really... During actual full blown infections I had taken 1 spoonfull per hour... SO far, and not fully antibiotic free yet, what has helped the most is: take strong probiotic (60 billion per capsule strength) twice per day with food AND, most importantly: a good vaginal probiotic suppository!!!! I tried one that looked like a pill...it did nothing. Then I tried one that looks like a lump of vaseline/ butter bullet, by Genestra, must be kept in the fridge at all times and BING, it does wonders for me!!! They to get that, also, wash your annal opening after each bowel movement and in average, wash it 1-2 times a day, with your fingers, soap that is simple, non perfumed, just the anal opening, in and around it, careful not to have it drip to the vaginal opening. Do this standing, with your but sticking out, fast. Then, take a 1.5 L water bottle, fill it with warm water and go sit on your toilet with your hips up a little, so that your anal opening is the last point water will fall off and pour the water with the free , clean hand, you wash off the soap from the opening. Pat dry the area, front to back and if possible, do not wear undies. This helped me a lot. I cannot be more greatful to the genestra vaginal probiotics than this! ALSO, I have red about this 2 amazing vaccines in Europe against UTIs, the researchers in the US are trying to make as well, but it will take a while for the laws to pass, etc. They are amazing apparently. One you take these little pills for 30 days, the other is a shot or a vaginal suppository. I am getting the Uro-Vaxom mailed to me, the other - SolcoUrovas - you must fly to Europe to a dr there to administer it. I have read medical studies about it, apparently its like this: 80% of people getting it, reported no more UTIs 1 year after, while the control/ placebo group still had the same issues. I am giving you a couple of such links.




Wishing you much luck with this very devastating affliction (it almost wrecked my marriage), hugs, Anomis

Kgirlstyle, I don't think I have IC, because I have periods of normal, if I am not sexually engaged and right after a series of antibiotics... But who knows??? I am so happy that at least taking probiotics orally and vaginally helps for now. I am not sure for how long, I am not acting normal sexually (my husband is lucky if he can get me to pretend I am willing to try 2 times a month), but I feel a little more stable... At least I had no infection in the kidneys this year so far!!!! How did you find relief? Anomis