My luck has ran out


I am new to this site and after reading many of the forums, I ordered the book. I am searching for a way to help me deal with my situation. I am 4 wks pp with my 8th child! I had very moderate prolapse cervix with my 6th child and went on to have a great pregnancy for my 7th and 8th. But now two days ago, I had a really wierd feeling so I took a mirror and looked and yes, I have my cerix almost all the way out. I am reeling with the fact that I am only 33 yrs old and a very active busy mama! I love to excersize and waterski.
I am so scared that this has ended it all- but with a prayful heart, i am hoping that I can learn to deal with this. Will my cervix and uteris actually move back up with time or will I just learn to get comfortable with it after reading the book? Should I not lift right now? I was feeling so great since baby was born.
I am needing some consolation that it will be okay!! Will this be a long time before I can excersize again?

Thank you,

alright, I feel funny telling you what to do since you've got so much experience under your belt- but please don't start exercising at 4 weeks postpartum!
and yes, lift your baby- not much else.
33 with 8 kiddos! I love it. Any twins in there (just for curiosity's sake, not that it makes any difference as far as prolapse goes)? I'm 32 and our 5th baby is almost a year old (about a week away).
I can only do the short story right now, I'm nursing the baby and she likes to help me type- but yes, your cervix can move right up! I'll try to pop back in tonight and answer more thoroughly, I just didn't want to leave you hanging feeling heartsick over this. It can get so much better.....

I just wanted to lend some encouragement even though I'm also new here. I can say there is hope! A lot to learn but one thing is being postpartum I think our hormones can make things seems looser and worse than they may be later. I am 25 and have a recto else nearly coming out of my vagina and a mild bladder prolapse.... I know the shock and grief and my son is only 3 months old... But using some posturalchanges and doing the second wheel yoga DVD my osteopath ( who is doing internal pelvic work on me) said she felt it was already better. She also told me to remember I will stay loose hormonally as long as I continue to breast feed

I have been walking everyday taking long strides while staying in WW Position. Does anyone know what this does for prolapse?? I would like to understand just what it is doing for us. Appreciate any information on this. Thanks!


Thank you for the comments and encouragment! And no, i have no twins ! Smile! I am going to take it easy for now with hopes that it moves back up. Also ill keep trying the ww position. Also, if i were to give birth again and my posotion was this low, have women had to be on complete bedrest? I really appreciate this site, i feel so much comfort to know im not alone

Another question. Being im only 4wks pp, should i only be resting or trying some excdrsizes like cat and cow?

Hi busymama,
It's good to rest when you're tired - and if you can! However it's also good to get some lovely sun, fresh air and appropriate exercise if/when you can too. WW posture is key to recovery and'thinking ww' pretty much all the time until it becomes 2nd nature to you. It takes time for the body to develop the strength and flexibility which good ww posture benefits from, so it's good to start doing some gentle exercise. The key is not to overdo it and work within your own safe limits, both time wise and physically. When the time comes when you feel you may be able to devote about 20' to yourself - if you're able to I think it's a good investment in you own health to buy the 'saving the whole woman' book &/or one/more of the dvd's if you can. (You may find 2nd hand copies on Amazon if money's an issue.) These can help to explain how to do the exercises and gives a well thought out sequence of appropriate exercises. I had a uterine prolapse about 1 1/2 yrs ago now and found the WW 'classes' really boosted my recovery. I also just do some of the exercises when I'm hanging around e.g. waiting for the kettle to boil, or a train to arrive... and sit cross legged (Indian style) as much as possible.
Meantime - cats, cows, downward dogs, warriors with arms on to the back of a chair (so your body is at right angles to the floor) - all good!
Good luck, wholewomanuk

Thank you for your response... I will slowly work into this with the hopes that my prolapse recovers!

but wouldn't it be wonderful if someone were to send you to bed?
Well, it would for me. I love resting in bed.
You will recover a great deal before getting pregnant right? Like, you are not planning to get pregnant this year? You'll give your body some time?
I guess if not, then maybe?

Hoping my body gets rest, yes....

Since the last time I posted, I have all new feelings down there and Im trying not to worry. Stuff feels shifted forward, and my clitoris area feels stuck?! I guess, i should probably not worry, as my body is still healing. Are these feelings normal for all you veterans? Maybe is my cervix and uter moving back up? or getting worse?

Ill keep trying the new ww pose and try not worry!

I am really happy for this new site I have found and all these positive women!!!