quick update(7 weeks pp)


Just wanted to try and give a quick update while the little one is sleeping!
Gave birth to my 3rd son 7 weeks ago. My contractions came in the oddest pattern and we weren't sure If i was in real labor. I was also using hypnobabies techniques so was able to relax through them pretty well. So by the time I knew I was in real labor it was going to be cutting it close getting to the hopsital in time(should have done a home birth!) So Let's just say my water broke on the interstate and I started having the urge to push! Glad my doula was there:) We finally made it to the hospital emergency entrance and my midwife ran down to meet us. She jumped in the car and checked to see if he was crowning. I was complete and +3 station not crowning. They wheeled me in on gurny pulled the curtain back and he was born within a few pushes. This being my first natural delivery(no epidural) I have to say NOT pushing didn't seem like an option...that has to be the strongest sensation a human body can feel!! I did have a 2nd degree tear(seems to have healed pretty well) So to sum it all up it was an awesome experience and happened just the way it should on my back and everything. Of course if I could do it all over again I would go for a home water birth! but given the circumstances I birthed in the position that felt right at that moment. Despite having a 3rd degree cystocele and 1st or 2nd degree rectocele the last time I have only noticed a slightly lowered urethra and of course things seem looser in there. I don't feel like things are falling out and everything feels really good as long as I don't over do it. I did not experience any prolapse during the pregnancy and actually felt better than ever the entire time. This is nothing short of a miracle for me because after my 2nd I was miserable and could not even cook dinner or unload the dishwasher without feeling awful. I have used a good bit of the resources I have found here for taking care of myself(resting in elbows and knees, not lifting things, eating pretty well, walking in posture, will soon start firebreathing again). I did lots of praying the entire pregnancy as well and am believing for a good postpartum period mentally and physically!

Great to hear from you and congrats on the new little one! I'm sure you know that the PP recovery period is long and full of ups and downs, so be kind to yourself and keep WW in mind at all times. Hard to do, but worth it for so many reasons. Keep us posted. - Surviving

Hi Ladies, I have an appointment today with my GYN. I like her - I am bring my book "Saving The Whole Women" with me and the web-site here. I'm going to tell her about the WW Posture and demonstrate. She may not be interested at all but I thought I'd give it a try. Let you know what she says later. I'm also going to tell her what the GYN/Uro told me . The Grade's, etc. I didn't even know what was going on until she examined me. I knew there was a bulge but didn't know what it was. Any way it was after that that I found this web-site which I will be forever grateful for.


oh yes it is full of ups and downs. I am waiting on the downs but I think because I expected it to be so much worse I am pleasantly surprised!!

Glad to hear its going well with you! I am also 7 wks pp and I am wondering how myself as a busy mama of 8 should be bending? Is the a certain ww way? Also, luvmyiboyz mentioned about resting on elbows and knees and I am wondering if this is something I should be also doing? Is the spine straight or in a bend when on elbows and knees? I have so much to learn...

I am sure others will have much better advice but when on elbows and knees I thiink just allowing gravity to work is the main thing not necessarily how you are bending although I think I keep my back straight. Also I wanted to make sure to add that I do still have a cystocele and rectocele they are just not as noticeable as they were with my 2nd in the post partum period and I am not dealing with the constant heaviness. I do still feel heavy at times but the only thing I have noticed since this delivery is the urethra is a little lower I am sure the lower estrogen do to breastfeeding is a big cause. otherwise everything else is the same prior to getting pregnant just looser of course! I hope that gives other women some encouragement!! prolapse is nothing to be afraid of your body can heal with help