vaginal prolapse question


Does intercourse create additional issues with vaginal prolapse? What should I know?

This is my very first post, so i am still trying to figure it all out.

Thank you

You could ask your partner about that. You will probably have had prolapse for some time before diagnosis. Chances are that your partner will not have noticed. Men are like that. They have other things on their minds.

From your point of view there is nothing quite like an erect penis for repositioning pelvic organs. It is as if the penis was actually designed with a woman in mind. Do I really believe that? Mmmm, food for thought, though.

You might like to try some different positions. Woman on top often works better because she can be in control of penetration angle, and also the degree of bump and grind, which is often a bone of contention for women whose vagina and vulva can be more prone to friction and chafing damage, or feel like it anyway, as she get older!

If you are on your tummy lots of pillows under your hips might make the penetration angle more suitable and comfortable. Missionary style with feet firmly planted, and lumbar curve in place can also work quite well. The addition of lumbar curve enables you to tighten your pelvic floor more effectively, and you can do Kegels as well, for a little surprise. On your side can also work well because you can cultivate your lumbar curve. Don't be scared to experiment. Your partner might be more cautious than you. Men are often worried about hurting a woman, which can put a damper on the fun. He may need more reassurance than you do!

One more hint, directly from Molly Adler, lovely women's sex shop owner, who was on the sex panel at the Conference. "Lube, lube, lube, lube, lube!!!"


Hallo Louise,
Sorry for this question, might be silly, but by tightening the pelvic floor, does tthat mean that you have to contract your pelvic floor muscles?