Whole Woman Posture on tv??


Hi ladies! I'm new here, but I've owned the book & first aid dvd for a while now.

I just saw this video on Aus tv last night, and wondered what you ladies thought of her posture http://www.thevoice.com.au/profile/diana-rouvas/ (other than she's wearing heels). Here's a pic of her too (top half anyway): http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac146/misskalypso/DianaRouvas.png She's leaning her head forward a bit in this part as she's emphasising something she's singing, but other than that...

I just thought she looked gorgeous with all her curves. I found this to be mind blowing. In the past, I have never appreciated a woman with a tummy, and always prided myself on my flat stomach. Like I said, I just thought she looked amazing. I can't wait to lose this extra 20kg, and look sexy with a curvy posture!!


Hi Miss K - I couldn't get the video to play "in my location" (America?) so I will try it later from a different computer. I agree about the photo, nice lumbar curve and belly does look relaxed, but as you say, the head position while singing makes it hard to tell for sure. Interesting! - Surviving

Maybe if you looked up Diana Rouvas 'I Can't make You Love Me' on The Voice it might come up? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ek7LpYWc7o came up, but I have no idea if that is it, as it says it's blocked in my country due to copyright laws.

That link is just a recording, no live footage. Will keep looking.

The song is one of pleading. It is not one of regal pride. This woman is not relaxed. Otherwise the pleading would not be convincing. The judges were all convinced that it was a great rendition. I can only agree.

Her shoulders are hunched forward and tense. Her knees lock out a few times during her performance. Her neck does jut out and her upper back is quite rounded at times. She has a lovely, gently curving belly and lumbar curve. I bet she would stand much better in ballet flats. Those are killer platforms! I wouldn't use her as an outstanding example of WW posture.

Now, I would like to hear her singing that old Helen Reddy song, "I am Woman, Hear Me Roar in numbers too big to ignore ...". That might show up some better WW posture.

I'd never seen the show before, and just her lumbar curve & curvy belly just looked so beautiful, I was shocked, astounded, and felt so esteemed in the idea you could be gorgeous with a tummy! Her shoulders are much better in the video 'Love on top' on http://www.thevoice.com.au/profile/diana-rouvas/ - but she's still wearing the killer heels :)

Yes, I wonder what she'd look like with flats on, and not performing! :)