Saying Hi, and a question


Hello All,
Very new to this site but already enthused with what I am reading.
But have a quick question...
Is there a "best" was to sit at a desk?

I realised today that sitting at my desk at work is aggravating my bladder prolapse...I have just returned to work after two weeks holiday and I am so uncomfortable tonight. Would sitting on a cushion tilting my pelvis forward help>??

Love and light to you all...


Hi and welcome Milesofsmiles – You need to maintain the lumbar curve, and not let the spine collapse. Sit up using the strength of your spine, keep chest up and belly relaxed as you would in standing WW posture. I need to sit on the edge of my seat to achieve this when sitting at my desk. I don’t know about sitting ON a cushion; this may feel more comfortable initially, but might make it harder to maintain the lumbar curve. In some seated postures (like in the car), lower back support is needed. You’ll just have to experiment. - Surviving

Since finding out about my prolapses in Feb. 2012, I have been checking in on this wonderful forum several times a day - not necessarily responding, but reading with interest all the subjects & replies. Because of WW, I have become much more confident that I can live with ease with my situation. I practice the posture & walk daily, remindiing myself many, many times to relax the belly, shoulders down, etc. Having resumed some of my pre-prolapse yoga exercises (no core work), I am able to better carry on with my day much better. Thank you so much for all your support and wonderful info & comments. So glad I found you!! Hugs - Lady Jane

Thanks Lady Jane for the update! So glad to hear things are going well. By checking in, you are providing a lot of encouragement to others. Keep up the great work. Hugs back at ya! - Surviving