Posture update


Dear all wonderful ladies,
Having been away doing a course, I have been able to report that I did well. In the few weeks since I have been doing the posture I have noticed that my thigh muscles are stronger, most likely due to sitting in posture more than anything else - which helps with position when using a toilet etc. ( am learning the exercise DVDs also.) Less fatigue is noticed also...
I have observed women of all ages walking with a curve in their back, though they may be holding the rest of their body differently, however I am the only one who doesn't slouch when sitting - now that is scary!!
My life would have been very different if I had not found WWP. Many thanks also to the wonderful support found here.
Soul Sister


Yay! Thanks for the update Soul Sis, you were missed!

Slouching when sitting....a hard habit even for determined Whole Women to break. I don't want to tell you how many slouchy sitters I spotted at the final lunch event at the WW conference in May. Even with Christine sitting right there in the room!

I still slouch when reading in bed. But I do it less and less, because I have noticed that the harder I work at this, the better I feel, so a slouch-fest isn't really worth it anymore. - Surviving

Surviving, have you tried side lying in bed? That's how I like to read or use the computer. I put a bunch of pillows behind my back and one between my knees. It has never bothered my prolapse.

I love to read in bed and do exactly what you describe. I would love to know what Surviving or Louise think of that. I find sitting on the sofa the hardest of as not to slouch. Thanks for posting this.

I just sit on the floor. If I'm not at home I perch :)

Hi - I did miss everyone & felt concerned for those who needed support ( I was open to some about WWP, however I don't know how secure other people's computers are, so I only risked FB...)
It happens all @ once, that I am going straight into another course that came up unexpectedly, so as I have a fixed computer @ home I will endeavour to come on daily.
I ultimately would like do do Christine's course, because it ties in beautifully with the life journey I am on...
Cheers to all Sisters
Aussie S Sister

Yeah, I try not sit on sofas either. Unless you are bolstered from behind with a whole stack of cushions it is nigh on impossible to sit in good posture. (What are those sofa designers thinking??) If I am watching TV I fully recline.

I will never risk lounging on the sofa (which i do miss) i lie right down instead, or else i sit on a chair in ww posture. I have always been a book worm but sadly since the discovery of pop, i haven't done much reading as my arms get sore holding up the book whilste lying on my side or back so i finally give up the reading.
Does anyone know the best position to read in bed?
Will lying on my back with knees up and propped up with lots of pillows bring on symptoms?
Do the organs fall to the back in this position? Would love to hear what others think.

I do spend a lot of time laying down - because I work seated, study and do my artwork seated - so when I am relaxing, rather than sitting I lay down.
I also lay on my side, maintaining a lumbar curve - and try to do work etc on the laptop on my bed. The strange thing is that when I lay on my left side in the mornings to catch up on work emails etc., within minutes the urge to go (BM) occurs. This happens too often to be coincidence now and I am wondering what it does to the colon to make things transit more quickly ...
I lay on my left side, tend to be up on one elbow leaning into the laptop, knees slightly bent ... and often the urge is very strong. This for me is highly unusual!
Only other thing I do often is sit cross legged on the bed in WW posture, also on elbows and knees leaning forwards, and often do heaps of stretches while laying ...
If I was reading I would probably lay forward over pillows, bottom elevated and lean on elbows. Any chance to let gravity do its work ...

Thanks, good suggestions all. My problem with reading in bed is that no position works for very long, and I end up in the slouchy one. But this is the last remaining vestige of my bad posture habits, so it will be conquered! - Surviving

Hi Takecare, it is not strange that this happens to you. I was once told of this trick by a nurse when a person has uncomfortable gas - to lay on your left side with your knees bent up a bit. Somehow it takes the pressure off of the colon/intestines and lets things flow! It works like a charm. Doesn't take very long to work either.

I have given up on this, except for short periods. I prefer to lie flat to read in bed, but I get numbness in the hand holding the book. I need to swap hands frequently. Sometimes I lie on one side or other.

What I really want is a skyhook for holding my book with and an automatic page turner. Now that would be heaven. iPad?

Lying on your left side? Sounds too good to be coincidence. There is good anatomical sense and good observation skills in a lot of these old practices. If it works, then do it. I too think it might allow the rectum to stretch out straighter. There would probably be a greater effect in a woman with POP, because her organs are more mobile anyway.
