raw vegan diet - pelvic swelling is gone


I have recently started raw vegan diet. I have lost lots of fat, I also noticed my pelvic prolaps changed as the swelling is gone. It looks there were lots of toxins there in that area. Maybe interesting if I add that I do not excercise, and have 8 hours sitting job on computer, Bad foods I was eating is chocolate, too much sugar, cheese pasta bread.
I could suddenly better move my pelvic muscels.
But, another problem occured, the organs are much easier hanging out.
Any ideas, has that happen to anyone?


Dear flowerina

Good to hear of your success and relief from pelvic swelling, but don't forget protein and iron are important dietary components.

You do not mention what had caused the swelling or what organs were involved.

Exercise for most people is about keeping supple, building strength and stopping joints from stiffening etc. Not for losing weight. Recent research has shown that people sitting at a computer each day spend as much energy as our early hunter gatherers as judged by comparison with the Hadza tribespeople living in open savanna in northern Tanzania and pursuing a traditional hunter/gatherer lifestyle.

Some people have reported that sudden weight loss has increased the discomfort of pelvic organ prolapse. I would image if you continue to lose weight then the organs themselves will also lose weight and thus become less problematic.

Cheers Fab

Dear fab,
thanks for your comments. I just wanted to share that this tickeing I had in pelvis area is actually toxins from food. I was cosuming too much sugar, chocolate, cookies, then coffee, then bread, pastas, cheese...that is all non-nutrituas food, very much processed and full of chemicals and is stuck in out bodies as fat and toxic residue. THis tickening will increase during a week before period, it will afect rectum area, even I had small chemoroid . now, thats gone, you know I can even feel I can move those muscels, I can feel them. But, that also made more space for them to fall.
This then matches with what WW theory is about posture.
Just wanted to share my experience about food, as I noticed many good things since I am off indrustial and meat products.
ALl the best!

Dear Flowerina,
Sounds like you have been really working to clean up your diet and are feeling better. If you have been around this forum or explored the website you know that diet is an important part of working with prolapse conditions. If you explore some of the excellent information you can access on the home page you will see that it is WW belief that prolapse is related to our posture. Diet alone will not fix these conditions. You say you spend a long time sitting. You should be sitting in WW posture. You could also be doing firebreathing and nauli exercises. I do them several times each day. I also follow a WW exercise program. Prolapse takes a long time to happen, and takes work and time to improve the condition. However, you can learn to manage your prolapse and live a satisfying life. If you haven't yet explored the WW store you might look into purchasing some of the materials. The new yoga 3 DVD will teach firebreathing and the basic bundle (book, baton, and 1st aid for prolapse) are wonderful. I started with them 2 years ago and am extremely pleased with my progress.
Good luck to you,