questions please


I am pg currently. Almost 18 weeks.

I had to have a catheter for a clean urine sample a week or so ago. It took the nurses quite awhile to do it. They told me I had a bad prolapse. I was sure I did after my last birth which was natural..a homebirth. My baby was large. 11lbs 3oz. I couldn't control my urine and would have to time my bathroom trips as once it started to come I could not stop it. After about 6 weeks it was better and is fine now except for the outward area.
So one questions is from the description I am going to give can you tell me if this is what happens with a bladder prolapse.

My uretha opening which should be just below the clitoris has now dropped down lower. It's not where it should be...Is this what happens with a bladder prolapse? It doesn't give me any trouble. No trouble going potty or holding my urine and stopping starting flow..

My next question is what position is best for women who have a prolapse to birth in?
The best position that will help my prolapse to not get worse? TY!

Welcome Sweetmama,

A cystocele develops when the bladder drops back from the pelvic bone and down and protrudes into the front wall of the vagina. A cystourethrocele is similar but develops when the upper part of the urethra (bladder neck) also drops down.

I’m not sure whether this fits with your description. You can read more about the cystocele on the home page. There are tabs going down the left hand side, the first of which is prolapse information. It’s in there.

As to the best position for birthing for a mother with prolapse you could start by typing in 'pregnancy and prolapse' in the search box on the top left of this forum page. This will pick up earlier threads where these things have been discussed. Usually there are mums on here but its holiday time, I guess.

Please come back with any further questions.

Best Wishes Fab