Lichen sclerosus help!


I read Christine's first abstract. How do I locate her update on this site? My condition is worsening.
A health food store recommended Silver Shield gel for the itching, etc. She also said black walnut capsules. I read about the honey on this forum. I am very limited in budget and have no stove to make Christine's salve.


Hi faithe - I believe that Christine is updating her LS article, though at the moment she is immersed in her hips project. Have you tried the honey remedy yet? Use raw honey, local if possible...put a dab up there whenever you feel like it. - Surviving

Hello Faithe.
I prepared the red clover cream by opening capsules of red clover and mixing the powder with a cream of lanolin, is easy and I am using it for a week and I am feeling better.
I read the idea here and I am very thankful! Good luck to you.

Great news solita

I was thinking along the same lines with the coconut oil, honey and yoghurt, faithe. None of these would need to be heated and have proven beneficial to women.

hi all,

the revised LS article is now available for download. you can get to it from the page in the library or link directly to A Natural Remedy for Lichen Sclerosis. I hope it is helpful. the file is rather large so it will take a while to download. do write me if you have any difficulties.

as always, many thanks to all you ladies.

lanny (christine's DH)

Thank you for posting this. Wonderful article.