Twitter Job


Well (taking a break from shampooing rugs) Had a look at our twitter forum and have come to the conclusion that we aren't going to get a response. :-((

Any one have other suggestions?

It seems crusades work on twitter. We had just recently a shock jock naming some women in prominent political positions whom he said were ‘wrecking the joint’ and a lady started a twitter 'let’s show them how we can reeeeeally wreck the joint' and it went viral as they say.

The same shock jock had sounded off at our female prime-minister and another twitter viral targeted his radio corporate sponsors and they withdrew from his show.

Twitter is giving people a voice (of indignation and fun) especially those who are normally screened out of radio talk back and editorial letters; mostly those not belonging to any particular political, religious or interest, or group think power group.

So that’s what twitter is good at: protest.

Other people use it to inform. ‘Here is an interesting article to read on this site’ etc.

Can we use it for gaining support from a sponsor, do we use it to inform, do we use it to attract members?

If so, for our next foray what we need is a specific objective.

How about our objective here to be something along the lines of, we want to help women worldwide to the awareness of a non-surgical solution to pelvic organ prolapse. We want to give more women the opportunity to train themselves in this proven method. We want to train teachers in this non-invasive practice worldwide. Can you volunteer to become a teacher? Can you volunteer financial support to sponsor a teacher? Would you allow one of our teachers to address your women’s group?

How about a fun twitter open to anyone? (preferably women I would suggest.):
I’m giving away a free book to the first woman with the right answer. What don’t women talk about?
Then as soon as the correct answer comes in, we notify we have the answer we were looking for and a book is forwarded to them from the nearest supplier. I’ll cop for the price of that. Then follow it up to anyone who replied with a web address to a page where Christine has written generally about the issue and provides a link to the Wholewoman site.

Or, how about a direct inquiry to local women groups which forum members can suggest:
Would you like one of our speakers to talk to you about pelvic organ prolapse? Followed by an address to a page where Christine has written generally about the issue and listing the availability of speakers and their contact details. This is something that would require the co-operation of our teachers which may or may not prove possible. Hey teachers, comment on this if you can. It would probably have to be a freebie but might help your exposure and encourage women to seek you out.

Anyone else with other suggestions?

I am LouiseDS2. Who are you, Fab? I need to understand Twitter, and need relevant people to follow. I am not quite ready to Tweet yet, but want to know what others are doing.


In my opinion - and this really is just my opinion, so please feel free to discuss, disagree or ignore :) - what WW needs to progress from the fringes to the mainstream is data demonstrating its efficacy. Data is the currency of mainstream scientific practice and it is what is used to verify or falsify a hypothesis.

Currently WW is a plausible hypothesis with some supportive anecdotal evidence provided by the women on this forum and Christine's face to face clients.

How could more rigorous data be collected? As a start, every woman who joined this forum could agree to fill in an anonymous periodic questionnaire. (Age, symptoms, progress etc) This would be relatively cheap to implement and provide a sort of pre-pilot status. It doesn't have a control group though - for it to have any real power, you also need to show that the effects are greater than doing nothing. But with the evidence from this questionnaire you could convince someone to do a proper scientific pilot. Then the pilot could lead to a full scale study. That's the therapeutic data. You could also get upright x-rays and (hopefully when they become more available) upright MRI scans to validate the theory behind the WW pelvic anatomy.

When you have these results, then you can take them to Oprah, National Public Radio, the BBC, the ABC Health report etc. They want to hear about new studies and so do all of the women out there with prolapse.

If I had to think of an analogy I would use mindfulness and meditation. Since this discipline has met neuroscience it has become mainstream. Psychologists and doctors recommend it, cancer patients are encouraged to meditate, business workshops use it, parenting books are rife with it. Now, you might feel a little peeved if you have been a long term mindfulness and meditation practitioner because you did not need to read a study to know that it works, but you can't deny that it has been brought it to the masses.

Dear Curiosity. Yes, this is what needs to happen. Great clarity here. I hope Christine and Lanny have a chance to read this. We can all do our parts here to contribute in whatever way we can.

I completely agree. Statistical data is a major missing link. How to get it, though?

I remember a few years ago, I received a letter from my health insurer, inquiring if I wanted to participate in a study. It was just a matter of answering questions which had been carefully designed (and it would include one or more followup mailings). I wasn't under any obligation to respond to the mailing at all. In the end, I'm sure they did their study based upon whatever responses they got (and I'm sure many requests were totally ignored).

Having said this - I know that Christine and/or Lanny have stated in the past that not everyone whose e-mail address they have in their database welcomes mailings. They have people opting out every time they do a big mailing. It is pretty hard to convince people that their personal information is being guarded.

It's a huge dilemma..... - Surviving

Count my vote for this I agree ...

( I also would sujjest the
2.POLLING system either points or just say yer no or satisfactory or
3.Thumps up )

Then of course, you have yoga and tai chi and even acupuncture which have maintained their popularity and beneficial use throughout the ages without any scientific/medical objective data or proof being available. In fact, few practitioners would be able to explain to you why they work in many cases, they just do.

Maybe, curiosity you could concentrate on that aspect. Maybe wed bio-mechanics and wholewoman. Maybe, you could get together with prolapse2012 on her questionnaire on the other thread?

Sorry, but it's not something I feel I can get involved in.