Newly updated Lichen Sclerosus Remedy


This note is for Christine--I read through your updated lichen sclerosus remedy. Thank you for sending a copy out. I was diagnosed several years ago with LS. I went out and bought some raw local honey but am just hesitant to use it. Who has this remedy been used by? Do we have anyone out there who has tried using the honey? I just don't want to make symptoms worse.
Thanks, debspups

...and I've received many additional emails from women who have been helped with the honey/vinegar.

When I stopped using Replens which I will never use or recommend again, I began using honey. It was on Christine's recommendation and it works. I found it better than Replens as there is no burning. I use as needed. I recommended it to my doctor who is a woman and a friend along with Christine's website.

Good heavens, Debspups. There is no reason to come on Christine's site and challenge her research or personal experience on the subject. Try the honey, or don't. It's just honey, not some kind of experimental new drug she's pushing!! - Surviving

I can understand your hesitance, Debspups, as you already have a traumatised vulva area. Sometimes doing nothing works, but if a new opportunity arises it is probably worth trying. Use the Search box and put in 'honey'. That will probably give you the answers you want. Yes, it might sting for a few seconds. Almost anything put on raw tissue will sting on contact.

Just try a tiny bit first on an edge, and see what happens. We all have to experiment for ourselves with something new, rather than take someone else's authority as gospel. Just take a deep breath and try.

I figure that if you can eat it you can put it in your vagina. The sky won't fall. ;-)

if you use the vinegar it could sting like the blazes if you are already raw. The vinegar is the anti-fungus. Apply the vinegar first to kill the fungus, then the honey to restore good bacteria. But you would know that from reading Christine’s article. Subsequent discussion, if you have found it via the search box, thought some people would find it easier to dilute the vinegar, or bathe in water with just a few spoonfuls of it to start with. This of course dilutes the anti-fungus, but you will find that it still helped some ladies.

Thanks Christine and NFP for your helpful replies. Surviving, astute as always, Louised, you’re so kind, but then you’ve been fishing. How does a woman do blokes’ stuff; just feeding them for next time? Fate save us!

It’s your health debspups, you have some thinking to do.

Best wishes, Fab

It is not really doing blokes' stuff sitting on a boat with a baited line in the water. However, it is a good opportunity to have random conversations with family members, without other interests intruding.

I am not into boats, motors, rods, lines, baits, and tackle, but I love eating fresh fish caught from a clean ocean. There is really quite a bit to look at out there, 1 km from the coast in 8 metres of water. Stingrays go slowly past, vacuuming the bottom as a 1.5m black disc, foraging for fish heads. Pacific gulls wheel and squawk at us. It is so clear that you can see the hyperactive fish swimming around the berley cage, nibbling on fast food. And the boat goes up and down, up and down on the swell. You can hear the water lapping at the hull. In the distance, another few km out to sea you can see the swell breaking on the outer reef. You get nibbles on the line like morse code messages from the deep. It is awesome.