End of the World


I just realised that I am still here, and so is everything within my horizons. I also have news from other places that they are still here too. I wonder if anyone made any serious bucks out of this beat up?

Well, on with Christmas, after all.

Or are we all now in a parallel universe? Whatever. What will this new world look like? Will there be any gynaecologists to work their questionable and limited magic on the prolapses of the world? Yes, somehow I think there will be.

What will this new world look like for women with pelvic organ prolapse? Yes, we will all still have to keep spreading the Whole Woman word among women we know and telling them about this website, and what they can do themselves to minimise the effect of POP on their lives, and give thanks for Christine Kent's work.

Let's think about our New Year resolutions now, because, as sure as eggs is eggs, there will be another year after 31st December. How can we make it better than the 2013?

I am here too! and with family in that Mayan area of the world. New cycles new times new hope. Much love to you and many thanks to you for all that you do here!

Dear Louise,
Ditto!! Ditto!! Ditto!!!
I'm Here!!
& Hope for the Sacred Feminine is alive & well...
I will keep going as I have been, though even bolder...
Thanks & Best wishes
Aussie Soul Sis

Right on, ladies! Glad we all made it to the other side. Onward and upward. Love you all - Surviving


Wishing you all a lovely time with your family. Also, if time permits, go for a walk and get a breath of fresh air and enjoy the natural world that surrounds you :)

Oceanblue ♥

Beautiful name! You too have a lovely holiday!

Yes indeedy, still here. I am signing off for Christmas now. I hope everyone has a joyous Christmas, be it by yourself, or with family or friends. You are all a special part of my life, even if we don't see each other.


Thanks for all the support in the last few weeks!

Everyone stay healthy and happy in the New Year.
Agnusdei please check your e-mail. I have sent you 2.

I have also sent 2 messages to you, just wondering if they got lost in cyber space. I have received both of yours. Thanks

Dear Wonderful Ladies,
Have a wonderful Christmas & 2013
I think of you as my dear Friends & Soul Sisters in this journey together...
Before this gets too gooey!!
Have a Ball!! Celebrate that child in all of us - even if the kids say "Awe Mum!!"
I'm playing my classical music right now - noisier stuff later...
(((Hugs))) & Best Wishes
Aussie Soul Sister

Dear Agnusdei,
I will look again later. They may have gotten lost. I will let you know.
Glad mine have gotten through. We shall figure it out.

Merry Christmas everyone. Have wonderful times with family and friends. Remember to get good rest and take care of yourselves during this time as well.

and happy holidays for whatever holiday you celebrate this season. I'm off to host 25 of my nearest and dearest relatives this week. Say a little prayer that my uterus and saggy walls cooperate. :)

I made a heck of a meatball sauce tonight for Christmas spaghetti. This girl can still cook.

Have a great Christmas with your family and friends and thank you for making me feel one of the family of this secret society of Wholewoman! For ever thankful!

I wish for you all to be surrounded by love and warmth this holiday season, and with the calm knowing that you are in control of your own health!

We've been working so hard to get our new, epic movie up and running! Look for a Christmas letter from me - hopefully tomorrow - explaining all about it and please help support Whole Woman by buying our first streaming video - The Whole Woman Way to VulvaVaginal Health.

Today I will spend all day with my darling granddaughter, making tamales and all sorts of goodies to take around to friends and family.

Lots of love to all and thank you for keeping each other warm and safe here at WW. We have a wonderful new group of prospective WW practitioners, and 2013 is going to be our best year yet.



Happiest of holidays to all of you, my dear sisters in this journey. Love and warm wishes to each of you for a beautiful holiday and new year.