Where are your knickers/undies?


When you are sitting on the toilet having a wee or a poo, where are your knickers? I discovered myself this morning having a poo with my knickers stretched tight over my knees, and realised that this is probably not the best for emptying my bowels because I am straining to get my hips turned out so I can get my feet far apart enough to be stable. I am not relaxed, and 'in the zone' for allowing my body to empty itself.

Sometimes I don't want to take my knickers right off because I have muddy shoes on, or the floor is grubby, or I have something in my hands, and it is all I can do to get them down.

(Why would I have something in my hands? Um, I don't know. A crying baby? Perhaps I have been in the garden and they are muddy too, and I want to touch as few things as possible?)

Your thoughts on this?


I love your posts. Yes, shoes stay at the door when coming in from outside. The dirt is beautiful to walk in and touch when working the garden. The outside stays on the mat upon entering your little home paradise. Wash the hands before and after the loo.....a quick and simple habit to get into. Whatever you were carrying will be put by the sink to pick back up. One leg out of the knickers is all you need. You are all set to be comfy now!

Yes, in a perfect world the outside stays on the outside. Yes, only one leg is necessary. :-)

Yes Louise, this is a good point, and it's one of several issues to ponder in the bathroom. I myself am away from my own personal bathroom for 12+ hours on a typical day. So I lack both the time, and the ideal relaxed and controlled environment in which to put all the best WW practices into place throughout the course of my MANY bathroom visits. For me, it's a luxury to be able to poo "in the zone". - Surviving

There. I have the perfect solution.

Perfect unless you need something to attach a panty liner to, which in my world is not negotiable.