tailbone tucked under too much due to slump sitting how to correct?


Does anyone know how to correct this as I have stabbing pains in groin area . (Plus history of structural problems in spine upper and lower) thanks I am new to this and couldnt figure out how to post this in the proper spot or how to view forum discussion topics. any helP? thanks

Buy the video! :-)

You posted your message just fine, Millie. ;-)

Hi Millie

It is very distressing when we get pains in different places. First thing to do is get it checked out by a doctor to make sure there isn't any obvious medical reason for the pains. Pains in the groin can be caused by so many different things. I know, I know, you're sick to death of doctors, but there are very rational reasons for checking out for serious problems before trying to heal yourself.

I assume you have some prolapse problems like all of here.

Then, presuming there is no serious diagnosis, get Christine's book/video/DVD, and take note of all the FAQs on www.wholewoman.com, and follow all her advice about Posture (the most important) and exercise; eating well to keep your stools soft and reasonably regular and your whole body fuelled well; amend your clothing so there is no pressure from clothing on your abdomen; then attend to the other aspects of of your whole being.

In time, and it may be quite quick initially, your prolapses will begin to behave themselves much better. With perserverance and luck, you my hardly notice them after 6 months or so, but it may take longer.

Hopefully the groin pains will become less, but also keep an eye on what other women have found out about their bodies from this site. There is a world of women's wisdom to be found here, and women are wonderfully open about body issues and how they have dealt with them. The 'too much information' side of your response may become less as you get used to their openness. Hopefully you will become more comfortable with your own body and more able to take it all in.

Sometimes you read something that has no answers for you, then a couple of weeks later the penny drops and you find that a new solution to an aspect of your body will materialise.

Best wishes. I am glad you have found us.

