

I know I write a lot, but there are many, many questions and I still often get to the panic state of mind...
Since my problem, I have had lots of problem with defecation, and I am obsessed with being able to remove it all, as if it does not happen it collects in the pouch and then contributes to my pain.
The only way I can have full BM is to use a glicerine suppository. I tried not to use it over the weekend, and I did not succeed, got packed up with the stool, felt defeated....
When I insert sea sponge it is better...I tried to trim the sponge, and I got packed up...so I need a full size sponge to stop it...
Sometimes I think maybe there is something "badly wrong" with me???
The obsession leads to straining, straining leads to pain...but when my stoll stays there, it leads to pain as well...
I don't know how long can I stay on glicerine suppositories. They do help...

Have you tried to take a clean thumb and reach it into your vagina, and feel the back wall of it for any "lumps"? Guide them out like that. I know it's unpleasant, but it will usually help out. The only time it doesn't help for me is if the stool is way too soft.

Thank you, I just feel so lost and in a panic again...I felt so enthusiastic last week, so uplifted, until this weekend...

Yes, I do use splinting, I have to put my thumb quite deep and there are "lumps" there, but they don't always get out...
There are "lumps" but also the rest of my stool seems quite soft and stays there...
My IBS alters between too soft or too hard...
So what do you do when the stool is too soft?

When I am in the panic like now, I cannot think logically. At present, I think that maybe it is something else than rectocele?

I have IBS too. For awhile, I was having terrible problems going ( very soft but pasty and not easy to get out, it was always "stuck") absolutely miserable. I had colonoscopy, endoscopy, lots of blood tests, etc. All they told me was to have more fiber. Well, for me that wasn't it, more fiber made the soft pasty stools worse.

I have gone strictly gluten free, I take a strong probiotic pill everyday, I take 2,000 Vitamin D (probably helping my bowels heal) everyday, I eat greek yogurt every morning, I also take 1 Valerian Root capsule(I think it relaxes my nerves in there) every afternoon.

It took a little while, but about 95% of the time, I have a complete bowel movement, nothing stuck! And, no coffee in the morning, I have one in the afternoon. I'm so much better.

Maybe I do too much self-observation, read too much in any sign in my body? And generally read too much on-line?

Yes, I was told about using more fiber as well and similarly like with you it makes it worse.
When the stool does not get out completely I get panicky, and usual secanario follows (such as straining)...
My therapist told me that I may be responding to my BM the way my mother responded to me in my potty training...I can imagine she was panicking, if I did not poo...
If I can ask, did you just ignore that you did not evacuate completely?

I am using something called Permavite and Total Leaky Gut + probiotics + some other supplements. I was really bad, going to toilet at least 10 times a day. Afterwards my POP started, but for some time I thought I had bad hemorhoids.
I am also on a low dose of antidepressant, which gets me more relaxed. Still in times of panic (like today), I think that there is something really bad with me.
I am on wheat free diet and really look into what I eat. I cannot stand any additives and there are products I cannot eat...

Last week I tried Estriol, as suggested by Gyno, but i think it only made me weaker, I have been crying more often, so I am going to stop taking it...

I am a bit better now...but generally I am so up and down...

I will tell you that I think almost every woman who has the "stuck" unfinished feeling, will feel panicked!!!!! I still do, because you know that for the whole rest of the day that you have that to deal with. It's awful beyond words!!!! The only thing that helps me through the panic is knowing that it will go away eventually. When my bowels were all soft, stuck and pasty, I would feel pain too. I think because it puts a lot of pressure on your lower bowels, everything inside there hurts. I even had an ultrasound of my kidneys because I thought maybe it was that!!!

Of all of the things I do, I think that taking the 2,000 of the Vitamin D has helped the most. I think getting fiber from vegetables as opposed to grains helps a lot too. My IBS doesn't handle grains well, so I avoid them.

Yes, it is an awful feeling and I am not good in dealing with "any unfinished business"...
To the extent that I have started using glycerine suppositories for around 3-4 weeks. And it feels pleasant to "be empty", but I worry that I am beginning to depend on them. I may stop being able to go to the toilet at all without suppositories!
I did an experiment over the weekend, I went to toilet normally, but soon I started panicking as I was "not finished"...
I need to deal with this panic somehow. I will talk to my therapist today. He thinks that I may be responding to my BM the way my mother responded during a potty training (I am sure she was panicking!)...
At the same time I need to stop the urge of using suppositories, and then STAY WITH THE FEELING just OBSERVING it. I think it is called mindfulness...
The pain, is something I am not got at, I always took painkillers, I still do...then I think to myself, why did you just take a strong painkiller? And next time, I do the same...

Oh, I need to learn so much. I WANT TO LEARN, but this is all new way of life for me...

With warm wishes,

I've been down your road Ivonush, and I know EXACTLY how you feel. I was "dependent" on suppositories for a very long time. It was actually Louise from this forum who convinced me I could break the habit and I have. (God Bless you Louise, you saved my sanity!) For at least a year now, I've only used them occasionally, when I get really off my schedule and need to go somewhere for the whole day. I save them for emergencies only. I have a few suggestions the might help you:
1. Relax! You body wants to get rid of the waste too. You just have to trust that it will do that in it's own sweet time. The biggest thing I learned through this whole prolapse process is to be kind to my body and not force it. I NEVER go all the way in the morning. (Most people don't) It's perfectly normal to do two or three bowel movements a day. That's your body's natural rhythm. Yoga is a wonderful way to start the day, it massages your digestive system and gets you calm in your head at the same time.
2. Squatting: I use a small stainless basin to do my business, and it has helped a lot. There is lots of info on the internet about this technique. It is the natural position your body was meant to evacuate in.
3. Magnesium: I take between 400-600 mgs. every night before bed. It helps me relax and get a good night's sleep, plus eases your bm in the morning.

Chin up, you can figure this out. Just tell yourself it might take some time and experimentation.

Thank you. I need to break this habbit. I have not been using suppositories for long, maybe one month. I don't have a constipation as such. As I said I have become obsessed with being completely empty. I need to develop calm observing rather than panic in relation to my body.
When I use the sponge I don't need to go to toilet so often, everything stays there waiting for the morning.
It is more on my mind (what I think should happen) than in my body (as you said, and I try to believe that body wants to eliminate the waste too).
I don't like when the stoll collects in the pouch- using suppositories prevented it...

Everything is changing...it is as if I am re-learning my body, try to listen to it (at last) but still unsure where does it lead.
I try to trust people here, but because I am a beginner I can only believe that my journey will finish with a positive outcome.

I didn't use a suppository in the morning today. As last few days, I did use a sea sponge. But I was packed up towards the afternoon. This is usual scenario when I don't use suppository (this was the reason why I started using them). I get packed up quite high in my rectum, and even splinting does not help with this. Sometimes I think maybe it is not rectocele (do people get packed up "upwards"?)...
Squatting does not help with this one as well...

So, what do I need to do? Wait? The pressure is difficult, the feeling of fullness, the pressure in my vagina...
No pain today, sometimes it gets painful...

When I go in the morning, it is not so bad, even if it is not in full...The afternoon one is difficult, it gets hard there (I think it is because it stays there for longer), but I don't feel any bowel movement, just it does sit there...I am also usually at work there...

I want to stop using suppositories...

hi Ivonush,

I can share that since having my uterus prolapse in August, the only times my bowels have emptied all the way are about 3 times when I gave in to the panic of wanting to be empty and decided 'to heck with it' and strained.

each time I regretted it SO much because my uterus dropped down a few inches and the ligament/s in my lower abdomen really hurt.

for me, having my uterus be so far down is more upsetting than knowing my rectum is not empty all the way.
so I have stopped straining altogether.

this means that there is always something in my rectum. it's never empty all the way.
I am learning to be calm about this. I use alternative modalities to help calm me - EFT, homeopathy, energy medicine - and it is helping.

I hope that you may be able to find a way to be calm with this. it's okay for there to be poo left in the rectum. even though it doesn't feel good.
I realise you have the added issue of pain rather than 'discomfort' so I understand how you could feel so anxious about it.

do you take magnesium? if so, how much and how often?

I'm finding that sometimes, if I take it not just before bed but also in the middle of the day, I am sometimes able to have a second bowel movement. otherwise I rarely do and it feels so gross feeling the rectum be full but not being able to empty it.

magnesium needs to be taken at a different time than other meds or supplements because it interferes with absorption.

before the uterine prolapse, I had major bowel problems - alternating diarrhea and constipation and extensive food sensitivities so I can relate to your journey.
the fact that your morning feces is not pellets but afternoon is makes me wonder if there is something you eat only at a certain time of day so that it's ending up in the bowel by afternoon. perhaps you react to that thing.

if you have 1 food you are fine with, a few days of experimentation of maybe eating just it could help you discover if the time of day pellets are related to a food. you could talk with your naturopath/doctor and see if they think that would work. I'm not trained - this is just an idea based on my own sensitivities so please try at your own risk :)

thinking of you and wishing for calm :-)

For me, the stool needs to be very soft in order to move through my system, so I try to keep it that way by being careful of what I eat through the day, making sure I have at least 3 servings of veggies/fruit, plenty of water or herbal tea, and taking my magnesium every night before bed. Again, you will need to play around and find what works best for your system. When I get backed up on some days, I have a few aces up my sleeve to get things moving again: A strong cup of coffee, a couple thousand milligrams of vitamin C, a nice big apple, and if that doesn't do it, I take another 400 mg capsule of magnesium. One or all of those 4 things usually works great. Once in a blue moon, it doesn't do the trick and I have to wait until the next morning when everything seems to "kick in". Play around with what works for you and don't beat yourself up over the suppositories. As you find other things that work, you will slowly start to wean yourself off of them.

What is the most difficult is the pressure in vagina and rectum, sometimes it gets painful. How to deal with this one?

I am experimenting with magnesium now. I am also going to add the Guna Bowel soon (i just ordered it)...


Put 'Lopo' into the search box. It is about doing half-squats during and in between bowel motions to try and straighten out the kink in the pipe. Also, try firebreathing and nauli, to try and suck your pelvic organs further inside your body and into a more normal configuration.

Thank you Louise. I will try what you suggested...

Today has not been so bad, but I have a first day of my period (it was a long cycle again...don't like them like this...)...

I think I also need to add some visualisation- about putting my body into a more normal configuration :)

There is another thing which I have been using for a long time- these are different hemorhoids creams. I have been using them since February...
I don't know how this contributes to some sensations I feel...

... and see what you can find out. Then report back, so we all know. That might be helpful both for you, and for others.

The story continues to be written, each day, with each post.


Before using any hemorrhoid cream, a thorough understanding of the instructions is a must.
The most common benefit that these creams can offer is the relief of itching and discomfort due to inflamed hemorrhoids tissues. The burning sensation and pain during bowel movements are the usual complaints of some hemorrhoid sufferer. Applying the cream on the affected area provide immediate reduction in pain due to its anaesthetic properties. Common ingredients used in these creams are pramoxine hydrochloride, hydrocortisone, petrolatum, and phenylephrine HCL. There are also some brands which include herbal extracts such as witch hazel, aloe vera, oak bark and many others. Other benefits of using hemorrhoid creams include the shrinking of the swollen tissues, soothe and protects irritated tissue, and acts as a pain reliever. Most of these creams helps in the acceleration of healing of torn tissues, lubricate the sensitive passage ways, and helps restore normal blood flow to the anorectal area.

Experts do not recommended long term use of some creams because of some ingredients that may cause the anal tissues to become more tender and thinner. This would make you more prone to hemorrhoids in the future. This is one of the reasons why some hemorrhoids creams are intended only for a few weeks medication.

Steroid containing agents should not be used for more than 14 days as they may cause thinning of the skin. Skin protectants such as petroleum jelly or zinc oxide cream may potentially reduce injury and itching.

(I see that if the tissues become more tender in thinner this is not beneficial...
Although I have been using only herbal remedies, but for a long time...)

Yes, these are the things you need to consider. Check out the actions of the active ingredients.
Also, ensure that your naturopath knows everything you are taking.


Thanks Louise, I found your description and have started using it, it actually helps me more than using a little stool (unsure about spelling...)...It also reminded me walking dogs and what they do just before BMs, they sometimes run like mad, ofter around cirkles, often running after their own tails, and then they set into a position...
(I have not used suppository for one week, actually it was giving me a type of burning sensation)...
Thabk you,

Dealing with struggles here myself. I wanted to say that when you wrote that you 'wanted to learn' I got tears in my eyes. Wanting is half way there; spend time in quiet willingness to learn and you'll begin to experience change. I'm going back to quiet meditation myself to re-find my own comfort over the panic. Thank goodness this is all a new way of life, because my old way isn't working!!

yes, I too, experience panice when I can't seem to go. Like today. The advice to relax really resonates with me as I know that the more uptight about it I get, the more I can't seem to go. Oh, it's all so challenging. Thanks for the tip about the magnesium. I will try that. Thank you also for the honesty I am witnessing here. I've only really been able to talk to this with my partner and my parents and sisters. It can feel so lonely, like I'm the only one in the world suffering so. It helps to hear that my body will let it go. Sometimes I am so afraid that it won't and I'll end up in the emergency room. It's good to be reminded to trust in my body. And instead of panicking, to simply breathe.

oops! sorry about the multiple posts...my computer was going a bit nuts today.

All the panicking has gone now! That is a very persistent Save button you have there! ;-)