

I have been working on the posture and lately I have had some upper back pain, is this normal? It's SO hard to remember to lift my chest and not to tuck my tummy in. Also, what is the best DVD for postpartum moms?

Yes, we often complain of back ache when adopting posture. After all most of us are pulling our muscles (and bones) in a direction they have not been comfortable with for a long time. Also, it takes time for muscles to strengthen and accept the new wear. Whenever you start new exercise you usually expect some muscle ache. With posture we expect you to assume it as long as you can each day, so that it quickly becomes habitual. However, you have to do this within reason. Some days you will need to rest up a bit and then try it again next day. Work out for yourself how much posture work you can accomplish at the moment before things get too sore, work to that then rest, then if you are up to it, resume, if you are not, don't. Just make sure you push it a little further at regular intervals say after a week.
First aid for prolapse is a good DVD, others will have their preferences.

cheers, Fab

I agree with fab, everyone needs the basic FAFP dvd. If you already have that, then consider Yoga 2nd wheel. - Surviving

thanks for bringing this up..i work hard each day to maintain the posture and sometimes it's so painful! It's good to understand that this is just part of the process.

Thank you for your replies!! I'm glad I can complain somewhere where other people will understand. Often I will forget to do the posture and then I will see myself in the mirror and think, "Oh yeah, the posture!" haha, I need to have mirrors on all my walls until the posture is a habit. I will be getting both of the DVDs you guys mentioned...I can hardly wait! I've been on bed rest for almost six weeks, so I can't wait to be able to get my butt moving again. :)