hysterectomy dvd


I had my hysterectomy 30 years ago. In November I had have emergency major surgery on my small intestines, it was blocked, twisted and a section had to be taken out. The cause was scarring from previous surgery. I continue working on the posture and starting back to the exercises.

I am wondering if the DVD for post hysterectomy ladies is still in the pipeline.

I'm sorry Iris but I have not heard of this. Maybe someone else who has been here awhile might remember. I know it isn't anything that we have been hearing about.

If you are post-hyst and have had other surgeries too, you might want to consult with Christine about exercise. Others who have had only hyst and now have other prolapses, should do fine with the existing exercise options here. - Surviving

Iris, I feel we have a lot in common. I had a hysterectomy several years ago and then had to have more surgery for scar tissue and diverticulitis. My uro dr tells me now I have no option other than surgery for prolapse. He first had me go to a physical therapist for several weeks to learn kegels. The last thing he tried fitting me with a pessary and that didn't work either. I was quite devastated when he told me this a few weeks ago so have been trying to educate myself as I don't want more surgery but I don't like living like this either. Have you tried the whole woman posture? Do you have the book or any of the DVD's? Being retired and on a fixed budget I can't afford to second guess my purchases. I would appreciate any feed back you or others have. Thank You.

Hi Iris -I've just been trawling the site for the same thing.
When I went to the Saving The Whole Woman Book Store then clicked on video "Which one is right for me?" It seems to indicate that the Yoga One DVD is suitable for post hysterectomy women.

Maybe Yoga Three would be helpful too. I think I will ask before purchasing this one.

All the best - blueflower