uterine prolapse - two more questions


Hello everyone. Thank you all for your suggestions. I just have two more questions.
My uterine prolapse became very bad: my uterus is protruding all the time and I am in constant pain, especially at the end of my working day in the office.

Is there any hope for me?

I have a 2003 edition of Christine’s book. Is it different form the last edition?

Thanks a lot.

need to keep your uterus inside as much as possible to prevent it drying too much and perhaps catching on some clothing. Having said that I find the uterus is pretty tough. But make sure you lubricate as much as you can with something like coconut oil or olive oil, baby cream etc to stop it from drying out.

I have found that when the uterus is down like that and protruding hard, there are forces keeping it down. Your bladder has not fully emptied or you are due to defecate. Sometimes the stool will slow down because you are tense or have to hold on for social reasons. The other culprit is wind.

You need to listen to your body, hard to do when occupied with work, and start to recognise when each force is evident and take steps to remedy the situation. Make it an initial plan to ensure your uterus is not out when you sleep, then increase those occasions gradually after that.

I'm 67, I have had severe prolapse for many years until I found WW. The improvement I have made is fantastic. Yes, there is hope, but you have to do the work; which means simply to walk the walk in WWposture, look to your diet, get enough rest and stick to it.

Keep that chin up, see if you can get out of that chair every twenty minutes or so just for a good stretch and straighten up, be kind to yourself on the toilet and trip the light fantastic at least once a week. You've got what it takes.

good luck and best wishes, Fab