Still wading through the post birth fog


Hello dear WWomen!

Gave birth nearly a month ago. I prayed all throughout my pregnancy that I give birth at home and not tear. God granted me the first but not the second, for which I'm most grateful. I tore along previous episiotomy scar line. Our discussions here gave me strength during the end of a very intense labor to NOT birth on my back. MIdwife suggested I push on my back since I was used to birthing that way and perhaps it would speed things up. I remembered all we'd talked about here and got right up. A few minutes later I was on my knees and baby girl was out. :) No update on the prolapse front, I know there's plenty time for that later. Meanwhile, I don't know how on earth the moms of 4+ do it. *wiped out*

Oh my! How wonderful to hear from you. We were hoping everything went well. Take care of yourself and when the fogs lifts a bit, give us more details. Lots of hugs to you and your sweet girl! Missed you!!!!! - Surviving

So happy for you. You have done an amazing wonderful thing. Thank God for you and your darling daughter.


And welcome to the world to your little baby girl! Go gently on yourself during this special (if foggy) time.

Congratulations !! To you and to your little girl. So happy to hear the news ... much love and best wishes to you!

Best wishes for a sweet nesting time with your adorable little girl! Please keep us posted on your recovery and I'm sending lots of healing vibes (and mama-energy!) your way.

:) Christine

and a girl! congratulations, I'm thrilled you got your home birth. There really is no substitute. You'll be healed up in no time, rest well friend :)

Hi chicka,
Congratulations on your new babe's arrival!!
Best wishes to you & your family,
Aussie Soul Sister

Just read my emails with Christine's latest post. That is a really fantastic, encouraging read. Thank you yet again Christine

sorry, i posted in the comments accidentally

congratulations on the new baby! I'm so happy you got to have a homebirth too.
and of course youre wiped out, baby is only a month old! took me about a year to get in the groove of juggling 4, but the year goes by so quickly.
enjoy the newborn phase!