The posture


To Christine:I want to tell you that the posture has been a wonderful thing for me to learn. I actually got a compliment on my posture by someone! (I must say that I was seated at the time)Even so I was amazed! I have always been a sloucher. From the fatigue I always feel because of a low thyroid/adrenal condition added to that scoliosis from a structural imbalance caused by an accident, I always had a compromised posture. Since I have been practicing the posture you emphasize I have approached what my correct posture should actually be. The scoliosis threw me off. I didn't know where my parts went. When I tried to straighten up I tended to over compensate for the spinal twist and twist in the opposite direction. I now remind myself and unfold from the twist to a better posture.
I actually even got a compliment on my standing posture.
I still have trouble maintaining the posture for long periods but I have made much progress. My mother would be so proud. I still hear her correcting my posture.
By the way - I have been wearing the pessary for about 3 months now and it is working fine.

This so warms my heart! I feel the same way about how it's changed my life. Thank you, Brenda!! :-)))))

Hi Christine - am writing again to ask you about the posture and where to find information about it (I think you've already told me but I can't remember when or what you said). I'm just having trouble finding out what it is exactly and how to practise it. I am not having a great deal of trouble with prolapse now, mainly I think because I've been doing pelvic floor exercises for 9 mnonths now and they have worked for me. But I'm keen to find out more about the postures because its pretty much keeping a preventative regime going as far as I can see. I mean to do the pelvic floor exercises anyway for the rest of my life! And ditto the postures if they help too!!
Cheers, Wendy

Hi Wenz

I think you will find that using the posture as a new say of walking and sitting from now on will have a major positive effect on your prolapses, especially now your have pelvic floor muscles of steel. It has been the central major factor for me. Any other changes have been nibbling at the eges.

Christine, could you make the logo at the top of the page into a link to, please and have it open in a new window, so it is possible to toggle between the two without losing partially written posts? Women seem to be coming straight to the Forum without even visiting the main site, and there is currently no easy way to transfer back and forth.



Laugh, I must say though the old pelvic floor muscles are getting pretty tough now with all the exercising I've been doing. I went to the main site FAQ and did find something on the posture there plus some other interesting stuff. It would be nice to have someone actually show me in person what the posture means but I'll try and work out what it means. Funnily my husband decided to leave me soon after I discovered I had a prolapse (after 24 years of marriage) and I still wonder if that was what scared him off. Now that my prolapse has improved to the point I don't even know it is there 99% of the time, I can't help wondering if I'll ever get another chance to find out if sex is still OK!!! I've only been on my own 9 months and there have been lots of good spin offs, am much more independent and I found this site and all the support here too. So all is not lost.

Welcome to this site too. I have had prolapse for about the same time now. Your post really struck a note with me. This is an aside from the prolapse but I just thought you sounded so strong emotionally despite what you your body has been thru and your mention of your husband leaving after 24 yrs. of marriage. I am sorry that it didn't work out for you.

Prolapse has strained my marriage too. I had to deal with so many physical and emotional changes. I don't think my spouse dealt well with it at all. We have very young children which also makes everything more intense. We are trying to work it out. But I feel like i have lost faith in the marriage vows of "in sickness and health".

I was shocked when he expressed his negative outlook on our future together. It never crossed my mind to leave my spouse at their most desperate time nor even bring up that question in the moment. I thought it was just cruel of him. Prolapse isn't even a big deal compared to many other conditions, i.e. paralysis (like Christopher Reeves).

I don't blame him for not understanding what i have gone thru in the last few months. But i wish he was more empathetic, compassionate, and understanding. In fact, I think i accepted my situation better than he did.

Anyway, it is great to see that you are holding strong. There is a time that we must do that for ourselves to heal. I am sure you'll have plenty of opportunities to "test" your pelvic floor muscles. Sending positive cyber energy your way. :)


That was a nice post from you thanks. I feel for you too as some men possibly don't want the hassles of their partner's changing bodies (in my case I have just reached menopause in the last few months). I agree, prolapse isn't such a big deal, it hasn't stopped me doing anything really, I exercise (walk, play badminton), and I don't feel much in the way of sypmtoms now.

I hope you and your partner fix any issues like this before it reaches the point where you split up (like I did). Although I am stronger now, it has been a harrowing time and the loneliness is hard to take when you expected your man to be there for life.

My daughter still cries for him to come home.

I too have had doctors and gyns fail to discuss the issues with me in any intelligent way. The assumption that I would have surgery was downright rude. I am glad I have found this site. If my symptoms stay at the low level they are at the moment, I will never opt for surgery.


Hi Wendy - I was reading some of your old posts, and wondered if you would share what pelvic floor exercises that you have been using? It sounds like they would be a definite compliment to the WW posture & exercise routine! Thanks Goldfinch