diastasis recti, rectal and bladder prolapse, feeling of ripping.


Guess I would like to know if anyone else has had my experience. Had partial hysterectomy and bladder lift 6 years ago. Absolutely no problems since. Until, working in a warehouse I lifted, carried and then put down a box of books, as I stood up straight, I felt as if I ripped just below my breasts and across upper ribs. When I began to walk I felt pressure as if I where in labor. Pain in my bottom like delivery pressure and around where I urinate. I have several areas of pain from middle of abs, belly button area and across my pubic bone area. One dr told me bladder had prolapsed again, another told me I have rectal prolapse and another said Diastasis recti. Tomorrow I go for yet another exam, due to the fact this happened at work (work comp dr again). Work comp refuses to help and says its because I am older (41) and have had children. But lawyer says since it happend at work, work comp is liable.
Does anyone know if it is at all possible to heal without surgery? I am terrified of surgery. But I feel as if I am falling apart and feel very depressed. This happened in December of last year and my insurance company says work comp is liable but work comp is fighting me, says its not work related and I will have to go to court in front of a judge to tell this story once again. I was humiliated by my boss as he tried to explain to me how a woman's vagina weakens as she ages, he told all of my coworkers.
I have so many digestive issues now and am feeling hopeless, can exercises really help this?

First I would like to say I am so very sorry for what u r going thru! Finding out you have prolapse is bad enough with out a boss humiliating you also!! I haven't had any surgery but I wanted to give you some hope!! When I first found whole woman my uterus was outside my body and my bladder n rectum were playing hide n seek with me, coming out n going in! I was terrified! But with the help of the AMAZING women here, their knowledgeable advice n committing to 100% correct Whole Woman posture I have been able to keep my uterus, bladder, and rectum inside for a month n a half!! I had an amazing couple of days where my cervix was actually an inch or two inside me!!!! I am living proof that Whole Woman works!! I don't have my organs fighting to fall out anymore and I was able to avoid surgery like the plague!!!! I'm glad you found your way here n I hope you find all the answers you need!!

Hi hopeful and welcome. First I'm going to give you my personal opinion on the issue of worker's comp. Others may say differently, but here goes.

The majority of women will end up with some degree of prolapse. Hysterectomy itself is very definitely a contributing factor. For many of us, our prolapse manifested itself very suddenly, either right after we did something such as you described, or seemingly for no reason at all. But in reality, that situation was in the works for a long time, and some unfortunate chance movement was simply the last straw for our organs.

Doctors may not know what to do about prolapse (and that is why we are here). But they certainly know its prevalence. I doubt there are many cases on the books of a women successfully collecting on a WC claim for prolapse being work-related. If you think back, maybe you were even warned after one or the other of your surgeries, that certain types of activity would be detrimental for maintaining the surgical results (lifting boxes in a warehouse......). Repairs "fail" all the time, and predispose you to further prolapse. I can't imagine the humiliation of going through a whole legal battle over this, and I suggest that you cut your losses on that front, and save yourself a great deal of humiliation.

Instead, try to focus your efforts on managing this. The posture correction we promote is good for all women, but if you read the Hysterectomy page of the site, you will understand that it is a bit more of a challenge when there is no uterus. You have also had repairs done already, which puts you at a further disadvantage. We encourage you not to have any more procedures done, and see if you can start to manage your current situation yourself with some help from Whole Woman. - Surviving

Your boss needs a swift kick in the ass!! Sorry, but that was a rude thing to say, especially in front of everyone else. I was a factory worker, and years ago I hurt my back from overuse on the factory floor just doing my job, day after day. I learned a lot about worker's comp. The first thing they always do is deny you, and say it was from from a pre-existing condition. Thye said mine was from a car accident i had years ago. They expect most people to give up, so they don't have to pay! It took me a year to get my money back. Hubby and I saved all my records from work and doctors, and when we went in front of the judge it was a big joke. Their lawyer wasn't prepared at all and was ordered to pay us.
It was very stressful; I sometimes think I should have just taken all the emotion out of it and treated the whole thing like a business transaction. I think worker's comp like all other insurances have a policy to deny first and expect people to give up. But that is up to you.
If you were using proper lifting techniques, they don't have a leg to stand on. Were you given a weight limit after your surgery?

Hi hopeful72,
Welcome to the WW community. I hope you find the information and support available here helpful. There's a lot to explore on this site apart from the forum (with access to previous posts; just plug in key words/qu's), there's the blog full of informative articles, other health enhancing suggestions elsewhere, the WW store with useful book and dvd's to support and develop women's knowledge base around pelvic organ support and natural WW treatment, an increasing no. of teachers to see/call upon, etc.

I do empahise re your pop experience. It can be a very difficult one for many women. It sounds as if, very understandably, the whole experience has been been a whole lot worse by the horrible response of your boss. I am very sorry to hear you've had such a poor response from your boss at work.

How you proceed from here is obviously your choice and I guess you have the full knowledge around all your circumstances and will have to decide at some point how best to proceed. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you factor in your health and happiness into the equation. Be loving and kind to yourself.

It does sound as if the trigger was carrying the box of books. However it is also likely that your previous pop and surgeries made you vulnerable to further pop experiences. In the UK most work places have health and safety regulations in place and many work places offer individual h & s assessments and recommendations. (I'm not sure if this is mandatory or not though.) I would think some weight would be given to whether or not you received an assessment/recommendations either from your doctor/h & s at work. Good luck anyway. I had a really good response from my work place, which helped so much. My hear goes out to you and anyone else who had an awful response.

I definately think the WW approach can help to live with and improve your symptoms. Further surgery is certainly no guarantee of recovery in the long term - and may make things worse. Most definatley it is worth giving the WW approach a whole-hearted go. You've nothing to lose. There's no turning back if you embark on further surgery, but you keep your options open with the WW approach. Personally I would recommend you enquire further about the WW posture, exercises, suggestions, buy the book and 1/more dvd's, find out what helps and what doesn't.... and in timeyou'll find you become in control of your prolapse rather than the other way around. Gradually most women report feeling better, more empowered and healthier overall if they do so.

Do return to the forum if you have any further qu's/comments.
Wishing you all the best,