kegels.. to do or not to do


Recently I was referred to a physio clinic that specialized in pelvic support treatment. The therapist did an internal exam and confirmed what i knew to be a cyctocele. She assessed the strength of my vaginal wall muscles and said they were weak. She showed me how to do kegels and said that kegels would not improve my situation but could help maintain my pop where it is. I am aware of ww posture as i have recently found this site and it has helped me immensely. My question... would kegels be an additional help? or would the ww exercises be sufficient?


are the only 'safe' ones to do, Astronaut.

The kegels that most doctors and pts are talking about are not healthy for prolapse. Christine has developed some kegels that are much more suitable. You can check them out in her 'blog' on this site.


Welcome Astronaut! I would encourage you to read all around this website and forum, including the articles on Christine’s blog page. Go over there and put Kegels into the search tab – several articles will come up. My favorite is “just do yer kegels”. Christine has written extensively on why kegels can actually be harmful for prolapse. I know she is right, because I did them religiously for decades.

Many women come here thinking this is an “exercise program” but once you have looked around, you will realize it is much more than that. I recommend going to the Resources tab, look for the video page and watch the first video, which explains the concepts.

Whole Woman posture is the natural posture we all had as children, with a fully-extended lumbar curvature. In an adult woman this posture supports the pelvic organs, and protects the spine and hips. Many if not most of us have lost that curvature because we’ve been taught to suck in our bellies and tuck our butts under. This is fine for a man. Not for us.

Do some more research and come back with your questions. - Surviving

Does anyone else have this problem ? My pessary is so hard to get out that the only way I can retrieve it is to bear down but isn't this bad for my prolapse ?


YES!!!! Bearing down is EXTREMELY bad for prolapse!! I would think, if the only way for u to get ur pessary out is to bear down, then you should not use it!! Because every time you bear down you are putting strong downward force on your prolapses!! We also should keep our bowel movements soft so we don't have to bear down to have a bowel movement because it is sooooooooooo very detrimental to our prolapses!!

Thanks- would it be better to leave it in until my next appt Ina month when my doctor can take it out easily ?

I'm still pretty new n I don't want to give you incorrect advice. I don't think it's good to leave something inside you that long I just know for a fact bearing down is terrible for prolapse! I'm wondering if you can fashion a sort of "tool" to help you retrieve it? Without hurting yourself of course!! If you can't do that I'm wondering if bearing down ever so slightly on all fours( hands and knees) would be the lesser of 2 evils(compared to keeping it in)! I know from other posts that bacteria can build up from leaving them in for too long, so my final educated advice would be to get on all fours and lubricate lubricate lubricate(use "tool" to help if u can) and get that thing out!! If you wait till the morning I'm sure some pessary users or moderators to the forum could help you! You could wait till you see a bunch of users on the forum and type in the subject box of your post HELP ME For more advice also!! I hope I've been helpful!! Wish u the best, with lots of love!!

BecCon, I have no personal experience with pessaries, I know only what I have learned since being here on this site. If the choice is between leaving the pessary in, and bearing down to remove it, well, that's some choice! I'd say it's time to consider taking a pessary break and working on posture if you are able. I am wondering if bearing down is how everyone removes their pessaries? Is this just normal? Maybe some pessary folks can answer this. I don't think simply leaving it in for weeks or months at a time is a good solution, though I realize that's a common practice. - Surviving

just want to say, that bearing down is not the normal way to remove a pessary :-).

Thanx Butterfly!