Prolapse after C Section


Hi ladies,

Three weeks ago I gave birth to my adorable baby boy, through C section, due to baby was breech position.
But the constipation that came after that, was devastating for my rectocele which was so good in its
Did not had any symptom at all, of it, but I guess now everything is loose inside, and that's why I feel it again.
I know that ideally vaginal birth would be better in anyway, but now that I had a c section, what does change inside,

Can I keep doing the exercises of whole woman, I mean cat & cow stretch, this one was a life saviour, to tell you that this exercise alone was my cure, from symptons. I never did firebreathing or anything else.

Just the posture and cat and cow stretch

But now, after a section I am confused, what can I do to get back my symptom free life again from prolapse, which is mainly rectocele, even though my diagnosis was sigmoidocele at the beginning, with all I have read here in the forums through all this time, it feels mainly a rectocele.

Please can somebody help me with advises?

Thank you so much


Congrats Shekina on your sweet baby boy! Post partum is always a time of great changes in the body, and this process can take up to two years. So don’t rush things. Rest when you can, avoid straining on the toilet, avoid careless lifting and bending in ways that compromise posture and intra-abdominal pressure, and try not to spend too much of your time leaning back into soft furniture with a flattened spine. Try to keep lumbar curvature in place as you heal. As you get back into exercise, your body will tell you if you’re overdoing. Take it slow and enjoy your little babe!

No one can say if you will return to “symptom-free”, but many women do, post-partum. The trick is to keep symptoms from returning later in life, as they did with so many of us. That’s what can be so great about adopting this posture during the child-bearing years. - Surviving

Thank you so much Surviving60, for your advises
I guess I need a lot of patience for recovering completely, I will keep my posture diligently.

I don't understand, this with a back flattened on a soft couch? I think that means always sit upright in wholw woman posture?
And something else that I get confused about is how to bend correctly to protect the organs.
I understand English, but there are some things that I do not understand very well when they are being explained, sorry Surviving for this, I am from the Caribbean


Shekina -- the ww posture is for sitting, standing, bending & lifting. We can relax with a flat back on a couch.


to the world Shekina's little baby and what a wonderful part of the world too the Carribean! Hope the C section has not caused you much pain, but sometimes it is for the best for both you and baby. Once the cut heals which normally takes a little time you should be able to go back to cat and cow without too much trouble, in the interim if the constipation is too much maybe you could eat a little extra fruit and veg to help make you more regular. Solita talked on another thread about juicing up some fruit and veg in the morning for breakfast. One thing that used to work for me when I was young was a glass of warm water about twenty minutes before breakfast, just time enough to make the bed, shower and dress. If these natural remedies don't work well enough can you talk it over with your doctor what would be a good stool softener to take which would not affect baby's milk. We talk about magnesium as you know but I am not sure about while you are breast feeding, can't be too careful about these things.
Again congratulations Shekina on your baby.

Thanks Fab, I appreciate your advises
