Need encouragement! Postpartum with pop


Hi, I will try to not make this too long.

I found this site 2 years ago when I found out I had a small rectocele after my sixth child. I seemed to get better after a while so I didn't worry about it anymore.

I am now postpartum 4 weeks with my 7th and last baby and I am not doing well. I could tell at 12 days postpartum that something was not right. I felt around and new I had a uterine prolapse. I started resting, stretching, and getting back into posture and it started to feel better. Then I caught a bad cough and now it made it much worse. I couldn't stand not knowing how bad it was so I just got the courage to look with a mirror and saw HOW bad it IS! CRY! The good news is that it is not coming out. The bad news is that I can see it right past the labia. I am only 33! I can't live like this the rest of my life.

PLEASE! Tell me this is fixable if I do the right things. Has anyone ever had there cervix go back up? I'm not doing so well right now. :(

Also, how am I suppose to take care of 7 children, homeschool, and take care of the house when I am supposed to rest and not do too much???? I don't have any family near by and not a lot of close friends since we are knew to the area.

Also, is there anything to manage the pain? I get burning in the labia and nerve pain when I do too much.
Has there been any success with herbs? Can you resume sex eventually?

Thank you for your time in answering. I really need support right now. Thank you.

One more thing. Are baths ok? I have been taking them and they make me feel better, but now I am concerned about infection.


welcome to this forum! And congrats on your baby.
First of all I want to say, that pp everything is possible and your baby is still very young. Your body needs about 2 years recovery-time after pregnancy and birth. Still a lot of time for you.
A cough is a bad thing pp, because the ligaments are still weak. If you're breastfeeding, there are hormones, that are making them weak, too.
So, what you have to do is posture, posture and posture. It's all about the posture ;-). When it has become second nature, you can do nearly everything without fear of your uterus will fall out. When you're coughing, do it in posture. When you're taking care of house and children, do it in posture. That's the most important thing.
Read around a bit, there are posts by wantmylifeback you should read. Her uterus was out of her vagina first. Then she started with posture and it never came out again.
Sorry, I don't know anything about herbs, but I know, sex is good for pop :-). And a bath is also good, because it's relaxing and there's not much gravity in water. So enjoy it :-).
All the best

Hi Mommaof6

Use the Search box to look for topics and posts that mention 'swimming' or 'bathing', or 'hot tub'. We have had quite long discussions about these in the past.

I personally think that as long as you know the water is well sanitised and the right pH to keep your skin feeling comfortable there shouldn't be a problem. You are more likely to get poor water conditions in a private pool than in a well-maintained public pool. Salty water from a clean bit of ocean is also very good for humans.

I’m tempted to call you Snow White. What a magnificent achievement you have made, seven children! They say seven is a magic number. If that is not enough to gobsmack anyone, the fact that you are only 33 will. Your last question answered first is just keep on bathing, there is no worry about infection in the bath water as long as you start with clean water. However, if you are given to it daily maybe a nice soothing lubricant of coconut oil, olive oil, vitamin E cream or even Vaseline applied to your vulva would restore moisture to the area. You don’t want to dry out too much in the vulva for then the uterus will rub. As to what is causing the burning, I hope you have eliminated UTI or Candida and so are just dealing with something that can be soothed locally. To cool it down a nice dose of natural yoghurt without added sugar helps. If you think it has something to do with your diet then while you look to that: one thing at a time girl, you are busy, then maybe a probiotic course for a few weeks would help. Being post partum at thirty would mean you still have a lot of youth left and that uterine prolapse of yours should naturally heal within that magic two year recovery period. As to when you can rest, I don’t know what you have been advised, but can you institute a quiet time to your little, big family? If you are up by 5/6am, how about a half hour quiet time at 10am when you mum put your feet up for half an hour and children are self occupied quietly at designated tasks or play? Then say around 2pm which would be nap time for some and certainly legs up for mum again. Then 5pm bath time for the littlies and bed by 8pm for the most of them and for you, at least as far as legs up again. Then up again for you only and baby for 10pm feed or something like that. Catch your rest on the run so to speak, regular short stops are probably best; effective as well as possible. Almost forgot the sex, (oops showing my age) yes it’s ok just make sure you have your uterus tucked up where it belongs as this will be most comfortable to you.

I just wanted to say thank you to all that responded. I have had good and bad days. I was feeling much better, but than poof! I had a bad day. I don't know why. But it greatly discourages me. I have been focusing on the posture and started walking a little too. I am afraid to do too much as I have noticed I feel worse after. I am sad that I can't pick up my 2 year old. I will just keep taking it day by day.