morning exercises


I just read that Christine has set up a morning exercise that works well and doesn't take too much time
Where can I find out about this exercise as I leave for work at 7am and am always in a rush to get out the door.

Hi doglovertoronto,

I hope this helps you as well as others ...

From the WWF, first click on "Return to Village Center" then click on Education and from the drop down menu, select "Whole Woman Center."

Easiest from the WW Village Center is to click on the peachy-pink coloured 'house', located to the right of the Town Hall.

There you will find 3 wonderful morning workouts with Christine Kent.

As a member, I have tried them all, and they are great!

Good Luck and Enjoy!

Oh, dear, it seems that I have to be a member to enjoy these exercises. I would love to see how Christine does the squats. I do the Samurai version - feet quite far apart, deep squat making sure my knees don't go over my feet. I love this squat as it exercises my pelvic floor and if I lift my tail-bone ever so slightly while doing the squat I can really feel all the muscles working.

Please, where are these workouts? I can not find it.
thank you

Laura, these references refer to the old layout of this website. I've looked all around and haven't been able to find them. I've contacted Christine, but I would assume they are no longer available unless we hear otherwise. Perhaps their contents have been incorporated into one or more of her DVDs. - Surviving

Hi, I'm just wondering if somehow an old post slipped through. The date of doglovertoronto was set 2010 - which would fit with the old website layout.
I find the sessions in Christine's yoga dvd's the perfect length for my morning practice. The dvd1 takes about 20' and I think the others are about the same length. Everyone's different - but for me it's amazing what a difference doing a short practice most days makes. The squats in those dvd's are done on toes and with arms above the head with palms of the hand touching, with knees either parallel or spread out to either side. It's easier to visualise if you see the dvd!