"My bowels are filled with somethin, but it sure aint mercy or compassion"


Hi everyone! This isn't exactly a sentimental post for a poetry forum, but it gave me a good laugh; and in my opinion, laughing is one of the best forms of meditation. My good friend is on a mission right now and was having some tummy problems. The title is a straight quote from her, as well as this scripture she found in Jeremiah 4:19-20 to describe her issues...

'My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war. Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment.'

That's just the kind of person my friend is; she will laugh before she does anything else!
Thought it would make at least one of you laugh, too!

I love your friend! Thanks for sharing - Surviving

hee hee...laughter is so healing...what I've learned through my healing is that just about anything can be a source of mirth...I attribute laughter to a great part of my own healing process :)

I have heard laughter called 'internal jogging' and it is so true.

This poem is heartfelt, it is a reflecitve poem of feelings, and as poems go, it will be for some but not for others.

"I walked a while with pleasure she chatted all the way, but left me none the wiser for all she had to say,
I walked awhile with sorrow, and never a word said she, bot oh the things I learned from her when sorrow walked with me."

in your little poem, Rose.


I am actually a very good speller, but often when I read my comments over I have a misspelled word or two. I guess I am a good speller and a bad typer.
Please bear with me!

The poem is lovely, Rose, and has a solemn but wonderful message about life. - Surviving

Hi Dear Rose,
Thankyou for your poem,
with such a lovely Pearl of Wisdom.
Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister

Thanks Rose. Your poem is worth remembering as I love the message.