When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
If you are already a registered user you may now log in and post. If you have lost your password, just click the request new password tab and follow the directions.
Please review and agree to the disclaimer and the forum rules. Our moderators will remove any posts that are promotional or otherwise fail to meet our guidelines and will block repeat offenders.
Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
September 14, 2013 - 6:13am
Hi Daphne11, thanks so much
Hi Daphne11, thanks so much for checking in with us. I'm so sorry to hear about this recent turn of events and I'm keeping all fingers and toes crossed for a good outcome of your biopsy. i'm not familiar with any of this stuff, and surprised to hear that you can't have pain meds for fear of skewing the test results. But that is what it is, I guess. Only a few more days to wait. Our thoughts will be with you, please post here right afterwards and let us know how the experience went. Here's hoping they don't keep you waiting too long for results. Good luck Tuesday, love and hugs to you. - Surviving
September 14, 2013 - 4:32pm
Bladder Biopsy ...
Thanks so very much, Surviving, for your kind response. I find myself getting my defenses ready to yell at the urologist (that's the fearful me) if he makes a single mistake. I decided to begin Reiki for myself and for the nurses and MD for the Tuesday appt. I find I can't dislike someone and send Reiki at the same time, so this must be the helpful approach to protect myself. Just returned from my first vacation in 15 or more years. So relaxing, I didn't have tension myositis vaginal flare-up and my urethra pain didn't flare up either. Went panning for gold in a mountain stream and bought a fishing license - I plan to catch and release. Just want these new challenges behind me. Will post when it's over and I'm advised of the findings. I heard a woman say recently that the body is designed to heal itself! Daphne11
September 14, 2013 - 5:10pm
Yes my dear daphne It was
Yes my dear daphne It was Hippoctratis (sp?) ( father of modern medicine)that said , ' Give the body what it needs and it will heal itself".I never give up hope that that isn't a truism. Check out Emily Dickenson's poem on 'HOPE'. In the poetrry forum Good luck free2 be
September 15, 2013 - 9:20am
Good luck Daphne
September 15, 2013 - 10:55am
Prayers for you, Daphne
Dear Daphne,
Prayers and best wishes to you! These are the times we have to trust our caregivers and try to stay in the present moment every step of the way. Try your best to remember that because it is entirely true that the present moment is always a positive state. I think the lidocaine will be enough. I would rather have a bladder biopsy than anything done on my teeth ever, ever again. It breaks my heart so many of us had our teeth and gums x-rayed, drilled, filled, ground down and removed when teeth have a natural ability for stabilizing and reversing decay and inflammation. My almost 35-year-old daughter has perfect teeth - even after a couple of diagnosed cavities in her late teens that somehow never got filled (we were really resistant to dentistry even then). The cavities have re-calcified and she has no fillings. Oh my...I digress...
Daphne, I am so grateful for your suggestion of putting vinegar in a spray bottle. I dilute it with 1/2 water and it is a mainstay for the health of my vulva. As soon as this hips project is put to bed (we’re still working on the dvd) I am going to re-do that part of the vulva/vaginal dvd. Thank you!
Love from Christine
September 15, 2013 - 1:10pm
Feels like a dry spot on my Uterus or may be a sore?????
Good Morning, I haven't been on the Forum for a while because I felt I had everything under control as far as my Prolaspe was concerned, I've been using coconut oil on it, and felt everything was okay, until about maybe a couple of weeks ago, when I noticed a rough spot forming on the right side of my uterus, when I showered it felt smooth again, and then this crusty thing would come back, however it is spreading and getting bigger and last night after I wiped myself it started to bleed, it feels like a scab
on a sore, and the coconut oil doesn't seem to be keeping it moist any more.
I do use two different soaps to bathe with I use dial gold for my private areas and under my breast and the folds of my body, and I also use Dove's cucumber and green tea scent, I was thinking that the dial soap was too harsh for my private parts??? I use Scot's toilet tissue, the reason I'm mentioning these things is when I was on the Forum before I thought I read where the type of toilet tissue we use made a difference because of our Prolasped Uterus.???
Can somebody please help Christine, Louise somebody Please, I'm really scared, I am a diabetic and I don't want this to develop into something worse.
Am anxiously waiting to hear from You.
Mahalo and Aloha
Aussie Soul Sister
September 15, 2013 - 4:00pm
Best Wishes Daphne & Heavenly Flower
Dear Daphne,
Wishing you all the best with your biopsy...sending hugs.
Heavenly Flower - sending you hugs - someone will respond soon - I'm sorry I have no answers...
Best wishes
Aussie Soul Sister
September 15, 2013 - 4:49pm
will be back soon...
On my way to a "kiss-the-tatas-goodbye" gathering of women for a sister who is having a mastectomy tomorrow. Hips intensive in the morning...should be able to get back here in the afternoon. C.
September 15, 2013 - 9:07pm
Feels like a dry spot on my Uterus or may be a sore?????
Thank you Aussie Soul Sister for the hug I really do need one, I will anxiously and patiently wait for an answer from someone .
I have missed being on the Forum, will try not to stay away as long as I have.
Mahalo and Aloha,
Heavenly flower
September 16, 2013 - 2:03am
Hippoctratis (sp?)
Thank you Free2be,
Counting down...(at 3:00AM)...
September 16, 2013 - 2:40am
Bladder Biopsy
Hellooo Christine,
Thank you for the prayers. I wanted to write you directly but was feeling too needy (lol!); very relieved to hear from you and that the 2% lidocaine should be enough. Your 'digress' (it's funny how we so easily turn verbs into nouns these days) about teeth is really perfect. It made me remember a friend whose 4-year old had a very dark tooth that the dentist recommended pulling. She rubbed Vit C on the tooth whenever she could corral the child. Months later I saw her again and the tooth had returned to its original healthy color.
I'm now looking for the best 'stuff' for bladder health and a natural calming agent to replace the Elavil that I'm on to calm my pelvic tension. Will search forum.
I'm sure that the challenge with my lower spine/back which causes great pain vaginally and annoying numbness on the bottom of my right foot (spring comments) can be avoided if I am careful about keeping food moving through the system especially the final segments of the colon. I thought for a long time that it sounded like pudendal nerve but when you mentioned that it seemed more like Tension Myositis Syndrome I started looking into that. It seems to add up to tightness at the core of my mind/body mechanics.
As for vinegar solution in a spritzer bottle, I am honored to help!
Will post soon with results of upcoming bladder biopsy.
September 16, 2013 - 2:47am
Best Wishes Daphne & Heavenly Flower
Dear Aussie Soul Sister,
Thank you thank you thank you. I plan to take to my biopsy procedure tucked inside my bra all the names on paper of responders to my S.O.S. !
September 16, 2013 - 10:25am
Your in my prayers
Hi, Daphne -
Thanks for sharing. It's difficult to decide on the side of surgery no matter how minor or invasive it is, but in the end, we have to decide for ourselves what we need to do for peace of mind. With the info you shared, if it were me, I think I would have made the same decision.
I will be praying for you and for the best possible outcome.
Stand strong!
September 16, 2013 - 12:31pm
Bladder Health
I am also on a search for bladder health. I am having continuous bladder infections, and now an ultrasound has detected a 'stone' of some sort in the urethra.
Although I have an appointment with a urologist on the 26th, I would love to figure out how to 'pass the stone' myself and perhaps avoid any interference on the part of doctors.
I'm also looking for a natural way of getting rid of these UTIs
September 16, 2013 - 3:38pm
Bladder Health
Hi w2k,
I'm sending you a link that I just found regarding urethral stones. UTI's are such a bother. I often in the past have had urine samples show up 'infected' when checked immediately in the doctor's office, but when sent off for culture nothing shows up. I can't figure that out, maybe someday I will. In the meantime, read the whole article of the link I'm sending. It makes a lot of sense and also offers insight of when to leave a urethral stone alone.
Some years ago I had all the symptoms of a kidney stone (down on the ground pain!, hospitalization two days and nights and eventually found a tiny round stone with no jagged edges in the toilet sieve at the hospital). I never really got an explanation of the whole event and finally threw my little stone away.
I did drink 1/2 ounce lemon juice with 1/2 ounce olive oil twice a day for a month just in case it would help. I have not had kidney stone pain since then.
Today I believe that I have or did have a bladder stone fixed in the lower part of my urethra. A week or so ago I had a cystoscopy and felt better after that, although the urologist was looking for some problem in the bladder. Afterwards it felt like my urine was no longer stuck in the urethra.
Tomorrow I will get the results of my second CTScan (no liquids) which scanned to see if there are any more stones anywhere in my kidneys, bladder or urethra. I read that bladder stones and kidney stones are not composed of the same elements but I don't know much about that.
Here's your link and please check back in and let us know what happens at your appointment. If the link doesn't work google or
I'm on my countdown for tomorrow's doctor appointment...22 hours and counting.
September 16, 2013 - 5:02pm
Thinking of you tomorrow, Daphne
All our best wishes, prayers and hugs go along with you! - Surviving
September 17, 2013 - 5:36pm
Thought I could get back here yesterday...sorry!
A couple of thoughts...
Yes, the soap is much too harsh. You really don't need soap at all at this point in life (maybe we never did). The vagina is a self-cleaning organism as long as it's filled with lactic-acid-producing organisms. I keep life in my vagina with a little bit of honey applied each day to feed the microorganisms. I use a dash of vinegar too to support a more acidic environment. Fungi love it more on the alkaline side. Coconut oil is not feeding the lactobacilli like honey does.
You don't say you're working on the posture at all, which may be why you aren't able to keep your bladder/cervix tucked well inside your labia. We really can't have these organs hanging out unless we're vigilant about wearing an external support garment and a good barrier salve.
Honey is an extremely healing substance, which I would certainly apply to any sort of sore in the vagina. I don't believe it's the honey itself that is healing, but rather the resulting microorganisms that normalize tissue. If I go more than 48 hours without honey I develop painful lesions. These are not like viral lesions, but rather burning sores that develop because of strong alkalinity. Ain't post-menopause grand! (It truly is, though :)
I will not suggest that you run off to the doctor, who will likely give you a steroid or estrogen cream, but that you take the work more seriously and see if you can move your organs further forward.
September 18, 2013 - 12:37pm
Thank you, Daphne
I'll definitely check out that website.
I understand that kidney stones (and gall stones) are composed of calcium. They are actually the result of a calcium DEFICIENCY!!! Our digestive system requires calcium in order to work properly, so if we are not getting proper calcium in correct quantities, the body takes calcium from the bones .... and it becomes stones ....
Bladder stones, apparently, are made up of crystalized urine!! When urine is trapped, it can crystalize and form into stones. They can be avoided (I understand) by drinking plenty of fluids and emptying your bladder daily.
I had been very lax on taking proper amounts of calcium up until Mar/Apr this year. Since then, I have been taking a good amount of calcium citrate (from plant sources) daily. Somehow I don't believe this is a kidney stone -- but rather a bladder stone as a result of a slightly prolapsed bladder.
Of course we wouldn't know for sure unless the stone passes and is caught for analysis
P.S. I hope that your appointment went well
September 18, 2013 - 12:57pm
Urethra -- Ureters
My stone is in the Urethra -- not the Ureter
This is something I just learned ... and I'll pass it on. The Ureters connect the kidneys to the bladder -- the Urethra comes from the bladder.
So this means that my stone is ON ITS WAY OUT!! It doesn't have much farther to go. It's 1 cm in diameter .... and the doctor figures it will need 'help' to move
September 18, 2013 - 4:15pm
Thankyou (mahalo)
Christine for you advise on my post I certainly will try the honey, but once before when you mentioned to me about the vinegar I tried it and it burned some thing terrible, so how do you apply the vinegar with out it burning? it certainly wasn't a good feeling, I do work on my posture but I guess I'm not doing too good a job , I do wear an external support garment not while I'm at home, but when I do go out side of the house, which is about 3 to 4 times a week, I guess I will also have to use it at home also, a good barrier salve ? what could that be?
I try as much as I can to stay away from the doctors offices after the last Gynecologist asked me "what was my old vagina doing these days? and he suggested I see his friend who can sew it up, I guess that must be his specialty.
Thank you for your help I will work on my posture to try to get everything back in place.
Aloha Heavenlyflower
September 19, 2013 - 8:53pm
Bladder Biopsy - I survived
Thank you so much 1htwmn,
September 19, 2013 - 8:55pm
Good luck Daphne
Many many thanks Louiseds.
September 19, 2013 - 9:24pm
Bladder Biopsy - I Survived - Thank you Christine and all
Thank you Christine and all who thought of me this week,
The bladder biopsy is over. The doctor was professional and someone I would refer. The 30 minutes went okay with some pain and one difficult 'bite'. The after part, drinking quarts of water to keep the bladder blood diluted was the hardest since I have painful bladder pain anyway then traveling 100 miles home while needing to continue drinking water. Lots of 'pee stops!' Results will be back in two weeks. I am tired but today (two days later) don't seem to have any infection.
My next challenge is seeing an ob-gyn next month to have a nodule looked at that is on the roof of my vagina canal. It may also need to be biopsied.
For today, in this moment, I am OK.
Thank you all, Daphne11
September 20, 2013 - 4:09am
Congrats Daphne, one hurdle
Congrats Daphne, one hurdle cleared. Hope you had some company on that lovely excursion! Just take it one day at a time. We are thinking of you. - Surviving
September 20, 2013 - 6:25pm
Congrats Daphne, one hurdle
Grazie Surviving60!
Thank you again. I actually chose to go alone. I needed to know that I could face it alone (well, I had you all!) and also didn't want my family to know in case there would be anything too scary. Still weary which troubles me a bit but I can rest, so...lucky me.
Soon, Daphne11
September 20, 2013 - 7:18pm
Bladder Biopsy - I survived
It's good to hear from you, Daphne. Will keep praying for the waiting game. I'll also keep you in my prayers for the gyno part of your journey.
You're brave to go it alone. I had to when getting results on a blood test that was to confirm presence of cancer or not a couple of years ago - hubby "didn't want to go" when I asked him. Even though I was praying the whole time, I think I held my breath anyway for the whole hour drive over and the appointment, which seemed to take forever. I was never so relieved when I received the negative results - I think I cried with every work of thanks and praise I gave God on the drive home. May He keep you strong.
September 26, 2013 - 1:26pm
You asked for a follow-up on my urologist appointment -- so here it is:
Without Doing an Examination, the urologist thinks that it is a ureterocele. He is taking this information from the report from the ultrasound on August 20th. He wants to check the 'pictures' that the technician took so that he will know exactly where it is and how to proceed.
He says that it is a condition that I have had for YEARS and that it is not urgent. He also says that it would be no problem if I decided to do nothing about it. However, he believes that it is the cause of my continuous UTIs and that if I want to get to the root of the problem I need to address it.
So .... the next step is a cystoscopy -- IF I'm willing. He knows I'm not willing **chuckle** and he knows that I'd like to find a natural solution. If I find a natural solution, he wants to know what it is **chuckle**
As I read the sheet (requiring my signature) for the cystoscopy, I did not like what I saw. I am giving him permission to enter into my bladder and see where the stone is and what is necessary to remove it. Once he's in there, my signature on that paper gives him (and his associates) full permission to do whatever they deem necessary to 'fix the problem'!!!!
So ... it seems that my choices are: (1) to let him 'fix' the problem; (2) to continue to search for a natural method of removing the stone; or (3) to do nothing -- but continue to keep my bladder flushed with cranberry juice and clear fluids
December 12, 2017 - 11:26pm
Daphne11 how are things now?
I was just reading these posts from 2013 and wanted to know how it all turned out. I hope you see this and are doing well!