diastasis recti and tupler technique


Hi - I am new here and this is my first post - so I hope I do it correctly! I have had a problem with diastasis recti after my last 3 babies. I healed it by using the Tupler Technique (http://diastasisrehab.com) I was going through the exercises, and wearing the recommended splint, after my last baby. I wasn't as good as I should have been about doing all the reps daily, but was getting back to doing them regularly when I was horrified to discover my prolapse. (This was maybe a month ago) One of the first things I did was to contact the Tupler Technique woman and ask about her program and if it would heal my prolapse. (This was right before I found this website.) I received a response quickly and she said that no - her exercises would not heal the prolapse. She said do NOT continue to wear the splint. (Interestingly I had been noticing that the splint was squeezing my bladder a lot and I didn't understand why at first.) She also said to never do any more than 25 reps at a time. (And I was doing 100s a day) She said she'd be happy to talk to my doctor about this. (I haven't even been to my midwife yet as I'm still in denial in a way. But, I'm wondering if Christine has ever talked with Julie Tupler.)

That scared me so much I stopped doing any reps at all. And, pretty quickly, my belly has popped out again. Sadly I'm back to about a 3 finger gap in one area. I'm so tired of looking pregnant when I am not.

I've just finished reading the Whole Woman book and am working out daily with the First Aid for Prolapse video. (The exercises feel SO good.) I plan to order the yoga dvd series soon. I am sooooo hoping and praying that my diastasis will be healed - along with my prolapse - in all this. I'm curious to know if anyone reading this has found their diastasis healed this way?

Hi Lilium and welcome. Here is one discussion thread I located:
