Does pregnancy make prolapse worse?


I have a one month old and have prolapse. I have the book of Christine's and am implementing what I can. I notice differences already. Will having another baby make it worse? How long should I wait? I am only 25 and would like more children, but don't want to make it worse.

Hi Lysa,

Welcome here! Read all you can and you will find numerous discussions about this topic, recent and some not so recent. This can be such a hard thing to deal with after going through birth so recently, and having such a little baby in your arms!

The general consensus seems to be that no one knows for sure whether a pregnancy and birth will make an existing prolapse worse as it depends upon so many variables. However, there is evidence here that if one has a truly gentle birthing experience that is as natural as possible to position the pelvic outlet to be wide open, and avoids all that coached pushing we are all so used to, that one can go through both without worsening an existing prolapse.

"Fullofgrace" has posted here many times about her experience and how her subsequent pregnancy and birth did not worsen her prolapse at all. In fact I believe that she stated she felt better!

I also go through a cycle of thoughts relating to this as I so dream of having another child, although I adore and am delighted with the two I already have. :)

You will find your way with this I am sure!



I did read fullofgrace posts on the subject after I asked my question.:)

The really odd part of getting prolapse after this birth is that I had totally unmedicated birth. No cuts or tears or vacuum or forceps...No coached pushing....And the labor was very short and I only pushed about 4 times, when my body was pushing and there was nothing I could do to stop it...No previous indication of prolapse, either. TThis is why it took me off guard even more.

I guess I will focus on healing before another baby.

Thanks so much for your reply,....I wish there was more info on this..Especially for younger women on the childbirth issue...But I think it is generally, for all ages, a not much reasearched subject. I was so thankful to find this book. I have been taking many supplements that have shown great promise on muscle and general tissue repair...And they are also safe while breastfeeding.


what supplements are you referring to?

Dear Sara,

I know what you mean about the easy labor and delivery, and then prolapse................the same happened to me this time. I had a great and easy labor, gave birth with about two pushes which my body did without me trying, and then hey presto a week later! This made it even harder for me to accept I think. I did have a difficult first labor, though no forceps or major tearing, so I am sure that is a factor for me, as is I believe years of distance running, and a retroverted uterus which I was told I had in my teens. I am sure the factors Christine describes are also important for me, though I believe that I have OK- ish posture.

It is hard as the info' is SO patchy, and as you say there is little to no real research. I guess that is where we come in, forging the way for other women so that they wont be lost with all of this. Thank god for us all!

I do know of a woman who has had post partum prolapse of the uterus twice after her 4th and 5th babies and it has gone back, much as mine has, both times. She is now pregnant again with I think her 6th baby, and is not at all fazed by it happening again! That was SO encouraging for me, though all of our situations are different.

I wish you all the best with your decision. I will let you know what we decide if and when we do!

Michelle xxxx

Hi Lysa,

I am quite new here I am 35, and have had 1 baby, the birth was great, only very slight tearing, no medication and not much pushing.

I didn't get a prolaspe until I was pregnant which I am now 5 mths pregnant, I am also worried and scared what will happen to me after the this birth. I cannot offer much information as still researching what I can do to prevent it worsening if possible, but take care of yourself, read and find out as much as you can, enjoy this one month old.
