long term


i am 32 years old and have a cystocele, rectocele and first degree uterine prolapse following the birth of my 9 1/2 lb daughter 2 years ago. I have found your book to be wonderful and full of hope, christine. I try to adopt the healing posture at all times (slowlybecoming less of a conscious activity!) and am trying to do all i can with diet and exercise to avoid exacerbating the problem. Things haven't deteriorated in the last two years but i feel so daunted by the thought of what might happen in years to come, especially when i hit the menopause. Is it possible to maintain things as they are for many years using your techniques, christine? I prefer not to think of surgery as an option, and have come to accept that things are the way they are, but could find it very difficult should things get worse (in particular i am worried about my uterus prolapsing right out of my vagina)

I would also dearly love to have another child but the thought of exacerbating things is putting me off and that is making me unhappy. Would it be possible to go through another pregnancy without significant worsening of the prolapses? I would plan to have a caesarean, if only because i would be too terrified to have another vaginal birth, I don't know what your views on caesarean births are.

I look forward to your reply....and also to your video!!! is it released yet?
I think you do wonderful work on behalf of women, many thanks

Dear Georgina,

If you are still in the "neighborhood" this morning...I can't answer your very important question right now...I look forward to getting back to you on this issue this evening.


Hi Georgina,

I know you weren't writing to me, but I just wanted to respond because I am the same age as you and I think in the same boat. I haven't been diagnosed yet, as this just started, but I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow. I have 2 children and we weren't sure if we wanted more, but now that this has started I would have to say for sure we are done. :( That's not to discourage you, just that I understand your misgivings about it as well.

I just found this site so I am just now gaining a knowledge of what is going on. I plan to order Christine's book today too as soon as my kids give me a chance. :)

I look forward to reading Christine's response to your post.


This is the crux of the problem, Julie and Georgina...I'm too pooped to write more now...see you tomorrow!!!

:-) :-)Christine

i look forward to your reply, christine....although i am not sure what time zone you are in. i am in london, uk, so i guess my daytime is your night time!
georgina :)

Hi Georgina,


Thank you, Christine, for your prompt reply. It was very reassuring. I shall go back and read Jane's postings. You were right when you talked about having a pregnancy without fear. At the moment the thought of it does fill me with fear but, as you say, childbirth itself is a natural process and our bodies are designed to cope with it and its after effects, if we treat them as they were designed to be treated.

What you are doing is so refreshing and so much needed in the face of the opinions held by most gynaecologists. One gynae i went to see told me that if i didn't 'need' my uterus for having more children, then the best cure for the prolapse would be a hysterectomy. I was both shocked and depressed as there seemed to be no other alternatives.

So you have given me, and I'm sure lots of other women, hope, and control over their bodies again. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that!

Much love