Breastfeeding and Posture


I noticed while I was breastfeeding I didn't have very good posture at all on the couch.
I started to nurse on the floor holding Christine's posture. I used a "boppy" pillow propped on my knees. I suppose other pillows could be used also to hold baby. This has "forced" me (conveniently)into holding the posture many times a day, with the exception of nightly feedings. I have noticed a difference with things already and my baby is 5 weeks old.
Just wanted to share with you new moms:)

I am really glad that you are seeing an improvement Lysa! What actually prolapsed with you, do you know?

Hope you are enjoying your beautiful little babe!



I had uterine, rectocele(sp?) and bladder prolapse. My bladder was right at the opening and now it is, 95% of the time, back to normal. My cervix most of the time I can't feel it anymore and it was just about on the outside. The rectocele behaves mostly unless I don't watch my diet. I haven't implemented the diet of Christines, but I have slowly made certain changes. It acts badly if I eat refined bread or pasta, which I usually don't do.