Main Concern: incomplete bladder emptying


At this time this is my present concern. I have had this prolapse for a long time but only in the past week does it seem like I have difficulty emptying my bladder. I had a transvag. ultrasound to check on stability of my large fibroid uterus. This was Tuesday and the tech told me my bladder was full even though I did not drink any water prior to the test. That freaked me out. I can live with certain symptoms ( like sitting on my bladder which is not really a great feeling), but urinary retention is not acceptable.

I am standing up to pee and trying to manipulate my bladder to let the urine flow better but honestly I am not sure how to do this. I am concerned about urinary retention as that is pretty serious. Any advice on how to allow urine to flow is appreciated. thank you all in advance. I have ordered the DVDs and looking forward to learning new things. I have always believed in getting educated and avoiding surgery if possible.

Hi ilovewings,
I have read a lot about emptying the bladder on the forum, including: leaning foward in whole woman posture, getting up moving around and then doing it again. Getting on all fours in the shower, or even standing in the shower, etc. Type completely emptying bladder in the search box in the upper left corner. Just keep reading, there is a lot of great info in there.
Having our organs hanging at the opening of our vagina is not fun, my uterus likes to do that on bad days. But the whole woman work has helped me the most. Have you tried jiggling where you lean over touching a chair or the floor and just bounce and jiggle everything back up in there? That plus firebreathing right after gets things up there for me. That might help in getting your bladder up there so you can pee. Other women who have this would be able to help you better with this, but like I said, do a lot of reading, and start to try to get Into posture as much as you can. As things start to move foward into your lower belly, you will then begin to get more relief. It isn't an overnight fix, but an ongoing process which requires patience on our part.
Hope ther was something helpful for you in this post.