dizzy spells during workout


Hi there

I tend to get dizzy spells if I stand up from forward bend. It can be quite hard when firebreathing. Does anyone have any tips on this?

I've been told I have low blood pressure at times and poor blood quality? Is this why?



Not sure what to say about this. As with any exercise program, if you have medical issues you might want to consult your doc and see if he or she feels this type of exercise is safe for you. Others with similar experience might post an answer...........but we aren't medical folks here. At least, not me!! - Surviving

Not sure what poor blood quality means, but I do have the same experience with dizzy spells. It can sometimes be related to low blood pressure but also to a sudden change in breathing.

The best thing to do is experiment with your breathing. After firebreathing or a forward bend I find that exhaling as I SLOWLY raise my body up, then a short period of standing and gently breathing for a few seconds afterwards does the trick.

I'll bet there are nearly as many reasons for feeling dizzy as there are incidences of it! My problems with it have had to do with my ears where equilibrium is maintained and are related to sinus and allergy symptoms. It occurs to me that since you've changed your diet in the last few months perhaps you've added in something that might be giving you an allergic reaction; that is, if you don't already have that underlying continuing response that many of us have just because of the chemical overload in our environment. It sounds like what Kiko does may not only help the effects of a sudden change in breathing, but would also give her time to regain her equilibrium.

Just a thought. Hope you're able to find a way to deal with it; dizziness is such a miserable feeling. Best wishes to you.

Thank you!

It's something I've always had and used to avoid yoga because of it. I can manage it I'll try your tips. I do think it's a blood pressure thing so I'll just have to be careful. The yoga dvds are to good to give up.