Reviewing the book but have 'cele question


In reviewing Christine's book, she states that a combo of both Cysto/rectocele is the most common POP presentation, yet all pictures and drawings of POP only show one or the other. When there is a combo situation, can both ever be seen at the same time? Do their respective bulges take turns presenting themselves?

Also, if a retrocele is the bulging of the rectum against the back wall of the vagina, then how does keeping everything forward into the front abdominal area help with this? Wouldn't it encourage the bulge to present itself?

Note that I ask the questions as a women who has had a hysterectomy (still have an ovary) so I understand that the normal rules for pelvic organ arrangement are out the window. :)


Anatomically, I can't tell you exactly how the ligaments and muscles pull everything into place with ww posture, but it does. When I first started my cervix was sticking out and my rectum was slightly pooling down and I had a soft squishy spot on the anterior of my vagina.
My uterus is a stubborn girl, up and down all the time, but my rectum is strong and firm in, I think, the perfect position it should be. That is why I continue this. There are positive things happening to my body all the time.

I just want to add that I don't know what the results would be for post-hyst women. A more experience person would have to answer that, but I really think the posture helps more than one thing, and at different times. What I mean is I was really surprised by how strong my rectum became and how much better my hips feel from doing this work when I came here because of my uterus. I have hopes for her to: after making some adjustments recently, have been gaining a lot better results. It really does take time for these things and patience while they are happening.

I am pretty certain that I have both 'celes, but I can't really tell you what that "looks" like at the opening. I was never one to poke around or pull out the mirror. These organs move all the time, so it is highly possible that one may be more prominent than the other at any given time. Fortunately, it doesn't really matter which 'cele(s) you have, the management is the same. - Surviving

Hi Cecilly,
Thank you for your question. I'm sure other people have had these questions too.
Women can experience one or more pelvic organ prolapses. As the pelvic organs lie and work so closely together, if there is a significant prolapse of one pelvic organ then chances are that the other organs may be somewhat prolapsed as well, even if this isn't easily identified. So it's quite possible to have a cystocele and a rectocele simultaneously. My understanding is that if this is the case the woman is less likely to have a uterine prolapse as well because the bulging in at the front of the vaginal wall from the bladder and the bulging in at the back from the rectum, commonly blocks the uterine from prolapsing down.

In terms of actually viewing different types of pops. I guess this varies from woman to woman. I haven no personal experience of this, but I imagine some women have visualised a rectocele - cystocele combination.

Whatever type of prolapse any woman has, it is definitely worth remembering that whatever the picture it is just a snap shot in time. Pops vary - the organs are somewhat mobile and as many women experience, they can have 'good days' and 'bad days', when the prolapses are better or worse. The WW work helps to improve pop symptoms.

Christine is aware that more WW illustrations are needed - and it's on her 'to do' list! It does help women to visualise and comprehend the theory.

The WW posture and exercises helps the organs return to their optimal and healthy positions, behind the abdominal wall and above the pubic bones. In order to do this the pelvic organs need to go up and forward. The pelvic organs have prolapsed by going back and down, not just down. So regarding recotocele the rectal passage is encouraged up and forward. Also the WW work involves whole body health, including diet, exercise, happiness, fresh air, good elimination etc... which encourages everything to work at optimal health. So the whole system may be operating that little bit better.

Re hysterectomy, the remaining pelvic organs require optimal healthy pelvic organ support and positioning. So the WW work applies to everyone. (Men can also have pelvic organ prolapse, so it applies to men too).

Good luck!

xwholewomanuk, thanks for your reply. Makes sense. But wow, I didn't know men could experience POP!

Could you please explain how men get pelvic organ prolapse? I'm intrigued!