Merry Christmas To Wholewoman Members


I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas at Whole Woman. I am feeling OK and I hope you all are too. I still have some troubles because of rectocele but I'm used to it now. After all I have been like this for nearly eleven years. I also now have become a grandmother again at 66 years old. I still lift ok. Bye for now and please don't stress at Christmas as it makes you feel worse. I am pleased I didn't have an operation for rectocele.

Dear cleo,
Wishing you a Merry Christmas & congratulations on your new Grandchild.
I also am pleased to have avoided surgery for rectocele & am managing well.
You are also right about stressing/rushing at Christmas & my motto is to keep it
simple, by not doing more than is really necessary.
(((hugs))) &
Best Wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister

Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you the best as well. Congrats on the new little babe in the family - what a precious gift for this holiday season. Hugs - Surviving

Merry Christmas to all Members of the Whole Woman forums. I hope everyone's Christmas has peace, love, laughter, and family and friends. It is a time of birth and new beginnings. The days have begun lengthening or shortening, depending on which Pole is nearest to you. We all share the same planet. The same moon, sun, stars and ocean water. We are all connected. I haven't been on the Forums much later, but will return.

love from Louise.

Cleo, it is so wonderful to hear that you are living well with your condition! Such a wise decision to have avoided rectocele surgery - an operation based on an old, inaccurate understanding of female anatomy.

Love you, Cleo, Surviving, Aussie Soul Sister, Aging Gracfully, Fab, Cecilly, and ALL! You too, Louise, and I will think of you cuddling your precious infant grandson this Christmas.

Thank you for the advice, Cleo. I am still in the midst of sewing a tiny leotard that goes with the Irish step dancing doll outfit I have made for my granddaughter - embroidered Celtic knot included! I still have other sewing I wanted to complete, but have thrown in the towel and will just finish the doll clothes. Enough is enough.

I wish you a warm and beautiful Christmas filled with the delight of being Ourselves. God bless you all!


Hi to Everyone, Well I have had a good day on Christmas day and have not eaten too much. We had fish and vegetables. I also have had some lovely champagne at Christmas dinner. I am having trifle tonight and some more vegetable loaf. It's up to everyone what they eat. If I eat too much I have trouble so I am trying to stop eating too many heavy foods. My doctor agrees but of course they would always operate but why when it's healthy to cut down on too much food. Merry Christmas to all of you in America.

I am also wishing each of you a healthy and happy new year and holiday season. Thank you all for your kindness, your generosity, your honesty, and your wisdom. Best wishes to all of you for this new year. With thanks and love!

It's wonderful to hear from you MsNightingale...all good wishes for 2014 to be the best year ever. Health and happiness to all!

Dear Christine & WW Community,
I would like to extend my Very Best Wishes to you & your loved ones for a Happy, Healthy, & Prosperous 2014.
Best wishes Christine for a wonderful class of new WW Practitioners,
& for your continuing priceless work.
Much love &
(((hugs))) to all,
Aussie Soul Sister