rrecently diagnosed urethrocele...and I'm terrified of surgery!


Hello everyone.
I am full of questions. I stumbled upon this site and found a great article for spouses which is what I came back to look for. About a month ago I was taking a shower and felt something protruding from my vagina. It was very firm and seemed to be resting on my pubic bone, or just underneath it. I had just started a new job and didn't have insurance so no one would see me and I just sat and cried and freaked out. I then got insurance from my job and saw my gynie who said she believes it's a urethrocele. It shrunk down a bit, but about 3 days before my period was due I tried having sex with my husband and the next day it was big again.
I am 37, I have one child and she is 10 so I am wondering how/why this happened to me. I also have problems with chronic bacterial vaginosis. Have had it for years. No matter what I do, it wont stay gone for good. I have severe anxiety and always have. I am terrified of surgery. Now my stupid insurnace that I had for a whopping 2 weeks has "termed" with the new new year so again I am in limbo until I find coverage. I don't really know what to do but I am a nervous wreck that everything that can, will fall into my vagina. This is an awful thing to deal with. :-(

I too did not have insurance at the time I discovered my prolapses and that, for me, has proved to be divine intervention. I too would have been pushing my way to the front of the line to "get this fixed", in the unenlighted belief that surgery is a cure-all. Get ready to read girl, there is lots to learn ;-) and hopefully by the time you have waded through it all you will have decided to give this a go. Please read everything Christine has to say about prolapses and surgery. That is the place to start and watch the videos. Sometimes women come to the site and start in the forum, which is not necessarily bad, it's just they miss some of the finer points that this work entails. I am glad you found your way here and hopefully you will find that you can manage your prolapse quite fine without surgery.

If memory serves (I am postmeno), vaginal tissue starts swelling around period time anyway and then add the urethrocele to the mix... As long as this is not painful or causing other issues, I wonder if it might just be the way of it: lubricate well, alter sexual positions, etc.

As to the WHY of it, who knows. On the list of what causes prolapses I could check them all, as can most of us. As to BV, I've not had personel experience with it so cannot comment. Just wanted to say, Hello and welcome.

Did you find the article? Just in case you didn't, here's a road map. Click on the "Resources" tab on the top of the page. Then choose Whole Woman's Village Library in the center column of the page that comes up. On the next page in the left column under "articles" choose Lanny Goodman's article. Then click on the title on the final page that comes up and it will download. You're looking for "A Husband's Guide to Prolapse". It is a good article and having your husband understand what's up and being supportive will help you so much. It will also help him if he's worried about not having insurance or has a hard time trusting anything other than the dominant medical paradigm. Best wishes to you both.