Check out this gorgeous posture


This is a theatrical release poster for a 1932 psychological thriller. This drawing represents the sexy Myrna Loy character (she did not get top billing, must have been a contract issue!). - Surviving


Wow! Look at that long lean abdomen and sexy relaxed lower belly! You don't see that all the time. My hubby and I were just recently talking about how women in the older movies had these tall straight backs and torsos, but then you go down to their waist and it is all cinched up and tightened with a belt.
Nice to see an image that shows a much sexier posture than that! Thanks, surviving!!

Great image, Surviving. I agree, Aging, women have been cinched up and squeezed every which way through the decades. Time for a new kind of freedom! C.

That's something to aspire to! Does anyone else find they have started looking at how other women carry themselves ? I sometimes look at someone and think "great posture". Though the best I've seen was when I took my 5 yr old granddaughter to swimming lessons . Those little girls had beautiful posture- wonderful lumber curve soft rounded tummies and straight necks. If we all start out like that ,I wonder when it all goes wrong. . Maybe as teens we get self conscious and start hunching and slumping. Then it's all downhill until we find ww.!

I love love love looking at people, and especially kids. I want to walk up to their mothers and say PLEASE don't ever let anyone teach this child to pull her tummy in!! - Surviving

Hi - I am with you all - I love looking at people's posture, particularly when sometimes they have it! Otherwise it is a reminder to me of what not to do!
Doing this work Christine, has awakened an acute level of observation of life on many levels. I am forever grateful to you.
Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister