What can I do to exercise during the day?


I agree that kegels are wrong, but they are so convenient. So what can we do throughout the day to strengthen the correct muscles? I can't spend all day in front of a video. Please tell me what I can do while I am driving the car, doing the dishes, etc.


I am new to WW, so I probably don't have as much experience as do many of the other wonderful women on this forum. I can just tell you what I do to help strengthen my pelvic muscles. All day I bring myself back to the WW posture whether I am sitting, standing, driving or walking. (This has been a challenge for me- so often I find myself slouching when I sit or bending over the sink as I wash dishes, but I am getting better. The other thing I do is drop something on the floor and then pick it up making sure I keep the correct bending posture. At home I even slip in some fire breathing every once in a while. At night when I get ready for bed I climb in on all fours and do a few fire breathing. All of these help and I know you will come up with ways of incorporating exercises into your daily routine. Please do not be discouraged, it seems overwhelming in the beginning, but you will get better. I do have the First Aid DVD and the yoga DVD's and they help me pick some exercises that I can do without the help of watching the DVD's. I hope this helps. I am sure the other ladies will give you good ideas.

That is so right gutentag! This is not about exercise, but about doing whatever we can to maintain the whole woman posture. Posture is always the key here. I don't spend all day in front of a video, but I will do one of Christine's exercise programs most mornings once I am up and have had my tea. The routines can take anywhere from 10 minutes up to half an hour at best, and are meant to strengthen muscles needed to hold the posture better. Whole woman walking does the same. And all this makes the whole body feel so much better.
I personally don't see this as a chore, but me taking control of my life and my prolapse.
You can take bits and pieces out of it, as gutentag has said, and do a few of the exercises during the day if you like. I jiggle and firebreath many times throughout the day.
You are only going to get out of this what you put into it. You will have to decide what that effort will be.
I can't see how kegels are convenient when they are counterproductive or just useless for prolapse management.
Wish you the best on your journey.

Believe it or not, I already feel better. I was finding myself slouching a lot in the last months and not standing up straight. This prolapse has been an eye opener and I am looking at it as a wake up call.

I guess I spoke too soon. I am really feeling blue. I had my whole vagina closed off thinking the prolapse would never return. Now that it has, I am sad.