Vaginal problems after VBAC


I'm having vaginal problems after my VBAC making me feel like a c-section would have been easier! I never experienced anything like this after my c-section.

I am 25 years old and now 2 months postpartum. I had a second degree tear. TMI WARNING! To summarize, my cervix is very low in my vagina, and something balloon-like is usually present almost right at the entrance. Not sure what it is but it feels squishy. It gets a little worse when I urinate. But it gets A LOT worse when I have a bowel movement, to the point where it feels like it will fall out. Lying on my side seems to help it go back up. Last night I had intercourse for the first time postpartum, and my cervix has been pretty high ever since *fingers crossed it stays that way!!!* Also my bladder feels full often, and I have a hard time holding it in. Also when I have a bowel movement there is blood when I wipe (sorry TMI!)

Saw doctor, said there is no prolapse, muscles are just very weak. Said to do kegels and rest more. Can't really rest! I am a SAHM and have a house to run, toddler and infant to care for.

I'm so scared though! I feel like I must have a prolapse! Will this heal? What can I do? I was thinking of ordering the first aid DVD and maybe some kegel balls/vaginal weights... I am afraid of losing my uterus! My husband and I desperately want to have a large family (5+ children), and I haven't even had a son yet, we desperately want a son. Freaking out here, it's making me emotional and blue :( I just want my vagina back. Will I be able to have more children?

Hi may and welcome,
First of all take a deep breath and relax for a moment here. You are still early on postpartum, and it takes 2 years to fully heal from having a baby. Many of your issues will most likely resolve on their own, but it is definelty also good timing that you found this site. Whole woman posture and practices are the best thing all women can do for themselves. Ditch the kegels and any paraphernalia that is suppose to strengthen a supposed pelvic floor. Today's modern gynocology doesn't have a clue to the true dynamics of the female form.
Start by going at the top of this page on the tool bar and watch some videos and do some reading about Christine Kent's work. It has helped so many of us to get over the fear and anxiety that prolapse can cause.
Take this whole thing slowly. Enjoy your baby and let your body do some healing.

p.s. Sex is great for getting that uterus up and over into the lower belly, so as long as it doesn't hurt you, go for it!

Thank you for your encouragement, I am confused because some info I read says to do kegels religiously, and others say not to do them at all.

My cervix has slipped back down again :(

Could this mean the end of my childbearing years already??

There have been many of our members that have had repeated births with prolapse. Hopefully they will see this post and give you some more encouragement here. But, remember, you only had a baby 2 months ago. Expect many changes as you heal.
There have also been many women on here that have done kegels for years with no benefit at all, or even worse the kegels cause the prolapse to worsen. The action of kegeling can cause the pelvic organs to fall back into the vagina. We don't want that!
Do some reading about whole woman posture. It is a far cry better for prolapse than any amount of kegeling can do.
Wishing you the best!

I've been doing the WW posture all afternoon but it's still getting worse. My cervix is extremely low and I can see the bulging thing right at the entrance of my vagina. I am so scared. I feel like my uterus is going to fall out. Should I go into hospital? I am really scared! I am only 25 and I want to have more children :'(

I have a profound uterine prolapse, and found my cervix sticking out when I first came to this site. Even on my bad days it doesn't go any further. Your uterus is not going to fall out, because it is being held by some pretty strong ligaments.
You need to take it easy on yourself. Get down on knees and forearms and breath deeply into your lower belly. Rest when you can.
Results fron whole woman posture are not going to happen immediately. These things all take time, and remember, you just had a baby. Take it slowly, relax.

Yes, please relax, nothing is going to fall out. But posture is not a fast fix for this, it takes time. Two months pp is just the beginning of healing, and it can be discouraging because you think that you should be better and you have too much on your plate to think about your own rest and health. Have you been taught to pull your belly in and hold your abs tight? That is a hard thing to un-learn, but that's your starting point. Think of your pregnant self, with the organs held well forward over the pubic bones. Get down on the floor as AG suggests and just feel the difference when the organs are positioned in this way. This is the long-term goal of WW posture, to stay horizontal from the hips down, even when we are upright. So be aware of this idea, see where it can take you and don't let anything spoil this wonderful time with your babe. - Surviving

May, have you lean over and tried with a clean finger to push your uterus back up? Add a jiggle or two and it usually goes back in place. I have good days and bad days with prolapse. But usually when I push it back up I can get it to stay for a while. On bad days I tend to sit more. Every morning I start prolapse free so I do my pelvic exercises from Christine's DVD and try to walk in posture. Most days I make it till somewhere between 12 and 3 pm before it slips down. Then I push it back up and go on with life. Yesterday I made it through the whole day! Recently I went 5 days prolapse free! I find sex helps cause it pushes things back into place...