Trimo-San - "turned in"!


Dear Christine - saw my Gyne yesterday, and took with me your information alerting us all to Trimo-San's non- approval by the FDA. He was genuinely surprised; had a copy made, & told me to stop using it, (which I had). He told me he was going to contact the current company and the FDA in his own investigation and would call me to let me know what progress he made. He was distressed with the news I know and thanked me for bringing it to his attention.Hope somehow I will have something else to report when he gets back to me.Ever onward! Jeanne

Hi Jeanne,

That’s terrific. It’s going to have to be women themselves who get wise to these treatments, as the giant bulwark that is the medical-industrial-pharmaceutical complex is going to be the last to react. It’s so pathetic to hear post-surgery women hollering about the way they are treated…such-and-such test didn’t get done, so-and-so couldn’t care less about following up with his patients. And yet they insist on remaining in complete denial that the entire system is deeply broken.

I did see the Milex website came down shortly after that piece was sent out into the blogosphere. Deeply satisfying!
