A 'Biopsy' Of the Uterus Lining


When I went to see my gynecologist last week, she said that she always does a 'routine biopsy' of the lining of the uterus. Apparently she always does it on the first visit.

Because I my period was not over yet, I did not have to go through this on the first visit, but she plans to do it on the second visit in September.

Any thoughts?? Any feedback??


Well, men and women have roughly the same rate of reproductive cancers, and you don't see men getting their parts "routinely biopsied". This seems to be in the spirit of treating the uterus as a ticking time bomb that we need to keep a close eye on. Makes me a little uncomfortable. I never heard of biopsies being routine, but then again, I haven't been to a gyn. in decades. I'd ask more questions. - Surviving

That's the way I feel about it, Surviving. She told me that seldom do they find cancer in the uterus by doing this biopsy, but she ALWAYS does it.

She also said, "It's a little uncomfortable ....". With what I've heard about biopsies, it's probably a little more than uncomfortable.


Dear Want 2 Know:

Just me...but I would seriously consider consulting another gynecologist who doesn't insist on invasive procedures "routinely." There is no reason to biopsy without just cause - - and honestly, this has the POTENTIAL (however small the risk) for complications, including perforation of the uterus, etc.

Before my hysterectomy, I had a gynecologist tell me that he wanted to biopsy my uterus - even though there was no solid reason to do so - and he also said it "might" be "a little uncomfortable." My husband, who was in the room, can attest to the fact that I screamed and came off the table when he tried to come through my cervix with the biopsy tool.

I do NOT want to scare you, but simply provide more realistic context than your doctor is sharing. I would avoid this procedure if you can (at least until there's just cause to have it done!)...but of course, we will all be here to support you if you go through with it and find you need some loving care afterwards! All the best...

Abqangel. My Mom had a biopsy (I can't remember where) and she said that she was spasming in pain!!
That's why I asked about the 'little uncomfortable' .

I don't have too much choice about another gynecologist -- since we live in rather a remote area -- but I definitely can refuse to have her do the biopsy.

Since I already know that I have a fibroid in the lining of the uterus, I would be afraid of causing more trouble.

Thanks for sharing your experience with me


look up the "dirty harry of medicine" he's the best: Dr. Schultze. He will tell you the truth: gynocologists are looking to make their next boat payment or whatever. Use olive oil as a douche it's a well-known cure all. all this stir ups business with metal instruments is insanity. I won't let 'em touch me. Obama care?! ha ha ha, all I need is God's care. Common sense and intuition is all a person needs, not M.D.'s and their uncaring indoctrinated egos.

Over the past year I have been to 4 doctors that suggested I have a hysterectomy because of my uterine prolapse. I am a 50 year old mom of 6 adult children and 3 grand babies and another on the way. In addition to the prolapse I recently started have irregular periods and heavy long bleeding spells. Life felt hopeless because my doctors believed ''it'' was just hanging there and could possibly fall out. It has been very frustrating dealing with all this. My life felt on hold. Because I was in panic mode and felt the ''Experts'' knew best I finally made a decision to schedule a hysterectomy because of the untimely and heavy bleeding. On my last visit I stared intently into my doctors eyes searching for sincerity. Thankfully he did not schedule me but told me to go home, look at my calendar and talk it over with my husband because of the long recovery time. By God's grace I found WW website while fiddling with my phone searching the web waiting for my husband to get home. The funny thing is that the day before another Gynecologists was more that ready to schedule me in to have the hysterectomy. Interestingly enough that day he had an intern in my examining room and suggested I do a biopsy right away because of the heavy bleeding. I am a praying woman and I thank God that I instinctively CROSSED my legs when he said it would only cramp ''a little''. I could see the disappointment in the intern eyes as I wiggled my way out of that procedure. Her face was emotionless but body language was speaking for me without me trying to say a word to them. I did however have a ultrasound with someone else the next day minus a biopsy. Thank you for sharing.

I forgot that I was not bleeding at the time they suggested the biopsy. You can't be bleeding for the saline ultrasound or the biopsy I believe.

Hi BB and welcome welcome welcome. I think someone up there likes you, to guide you to WW just in the nick of time. These close calls give me chills and goosebumps! So much at stake.

Irregular periods and spells of heavy bleeding are typical of menopause. Has anyone simply suggested that this might be perfectly normal? Christine herself experienced an intense very heavy "purge" at menopause, after which she AND her uterus were in better shape than ever. I'm going to search for an account of this on the site.

I'm not suggesting that you bail on the biopsy, because we definitely don't give that kind of advice on this forum. But you can read this thread for some strong opinions. Honestly, I think it's just prolapse and menopause going on here, both of which can be managed. When the uterus quiets down after menopause, the prolapse will be even more manageable with WW methods. Lose your uterus, and you are only inviting a host of other issues.

My thoughts will be with you BB. I think the answers you seek are right here. - Surviving

I have no doubt Someone for sure was looking out for me and lead me here in the nick of time. I did have a sono histogram but my main doctor saw no need to have a biopsy in my case. I would look at the report again and explain his findings. That test would not show up cancer but I believe other symptoms would have warranted a biopsy. I have no logical reason for refusing biopsy by doctor number 3 but I felt so uneasy at the time. Probably if my less anxious Gyn suggested biopsy I would have done it. I was assured that the bleeding I am having is due to hormonal changes in my body. My journey in this new stage of life has just began and I am so glad that I found a renewed hope. Looking forward to lifting and playing with my grand babies in my WW posture this weekend. God Bless.

Hi, I was directed to this page because I am having a biopsy of the uterus and Saline sonogram on April 4th. Was reading some of the comments and just wanted to see how your biopsy went. My doctor is doing mine because of several incidents of bleeding, not bad, it stops quickly. I am really concerned. Thanks

Hi again - you have probably noticed that this discussion is almost 5 years old. It's unlikely she will respond to you, but anything is possible! - Surviving